Super Easy Kids Measuring Ruler DIY Growth Chart

Hi friends! Thalita here again from The Learner Observer! With two growing toddlers at home, we quickly realized we wanted to be able to see how tall they were getting, and have that quintessential childhood memory for them of one day looking back at how tall they were when they were younger.We started out by measuring on their closet trim, and even though this is hopefully our forever home, we still wanted something a little more mobile! I also wanted something that wouldn’t take a huge amount of effort!

Measuring Stick For Kids DIY The Learner Observer For Remodelaholic

How to Make an Easy Jumbo Ruler DIY Growth Chart

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What you’ll need:

I used my Cricut machine for this project, but you could definitely do this with other materials! 

How to make your own growth chart

To start, I lightly sanded my board to make sure there were no rough edges, and to make sure the stickers would hold well. I used outdoor vinyl (made for things like mailboxes) to make sure the numbers would stay on properly.

I started the measurements at 6 inches for the first number in order to make sure all 6 numbers would fit on the board. This also ensured that I could put the measuring stick 6 inches above the floor onto the wall without running into issues with the baseboard. This angle makes it look like I measured wrong, but that’s just because of how the tape warped as I tried to take a picture of this on my own!

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I added large tabs along every 12 inches, and smaller ones halfway between each of those bigger ones to give us a rough idea of height. I didn’t want this to be a super precise ruler, but rather just something simple that we can keep around for a long time.

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As you can see, we used the measuring stick right next to the closet, so we still have those pencil marks there.

I simply wrote on the measuring stick with a ballpoint pen, as the wood isn’t stained or treated at all. Super easy to do! 

We simply screwed the wood into the wall, one at the top and one at the bottom, in spots that won’t affect our ability to write anything at all.

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This is one of the simplest and easiest projects I have tackled for the boys, and I love that it’s something they’ll love looking at for years to come, to see who’s taller and whether one twin always stays a little taller than the other!

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Have you ever tried a project like this for your kids? Or do you stick to door frames for your measuring?

Until next time!

More easy ways to commemorate kids’ milestones:

First and Last Day of School Photo Signs2017 2018 First Day Of School Printable Photo Signs, 5 Different Styles, Free Download And Custom Print From @Remodelaholic

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Thalita is a mom of twins, teacher, and blogger over at The Learner Observer. She is a frugal DIY-er and avid lover of thrift store scores with a passion for making over spaces with pieces that are both meaningful and beautiful. Favourite colour? White. Favourite food? Ice Cream. Favourite Pastime? Instagram, where she shares an abundance of pictures of her twin boys along with her latest home reno and decorating adventures!

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