Toy Box Bench Make-Over

Toy Box Bench Make-Over
contributed by All Fresh and Clean
I picked this toy box up for $6 at the thrift store a few weeks ago.  I liked the design and knew I could make it adorable.  =)
The first thing I did was apply paint stripper.  It worked really well, except for the parts where all those darn stickers were!  If anyone can explain the mess under this pink paint, please do!!! lol  So first was the pink, then red and purple finger paints (?) then bright yellow, then white.
I sanded for hours. And gave it a good scrub down with Basic H.
I wanted to make sure the paint color was ok, because when I bought the paint they were out of some of the mixer colors, so the paint guy just winged it!  UGH,  I had a florescent green!  Luckily I had a gallon of yellowish beige.  I mixed the two and it came out perfect.  yay!!! 
I cut some little vinyl birds with my cricut for the finishing touch! 
Before and After
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Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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  1. >BEAUTIFUL!! I never find anything good at thrift stores and garage sales. Probably just lacking on that designer eye of yours! It looks wonderful!

  2. >Very cute! Good job!
    On an unrelated note, Remodelaholic's posts are not showing up in Google Reader. The title comes up and about 3 sentences, but no pictures. It was working yesterday…maybe my google reader?

  3. >I am impressed how well your stripper worked. I recently used some and it basically just glued ontop of the finish… I ended up having to sand everything including the stripper off. I got my money out of my hand sander…

  4. >This is darling! What a sweet cottagey little bench you now have! Love the little touch of the birdies too 🙂

  5. >This is so cute! I haven't attempted a stencil yet, but you've inspired me. My stepdaughter is about to revamp a toy box for her baby girl who is due next month. I shall send her your link!
    Megs 🙂