Crib Turned Magnet Board Re-purpose Project

Crib Turned Magnet Board Re-purpose Project

BeforeMy good friend Allison had a very clever idea to take the two ends of an old crib she had and repurpose them into magnet boards. And this is what Mike came up with.

He cut off the bottom legs to make a nice clean frame for the sheet metal.
He then placed a board in front of the slats to glue the sheet metal against. This picture is the backside of the crib frame.
He then added some additional molding at the bottom to frame up the piece.After
I think it turned about amazing and I hope Allison is happy. I just cannot think of a better frame to use than something that you don’t really want to get rid of due to sentimental value and turn it into something like this.
The arched frame at the top really caps off the piece and gives it such a nice polished finish.
Allison mentioned adding knobs or hooks on the bottom portion for additional displaying options. Thank you Allison for having us be a part of such a great fun project! You have such a great eye and there are so many uses for your twin magnet boards!
I would like to quickly mention that the desk displayed with the magnet board is available to be purchased. However the chair is our little one’s and is not up for grabs! It plays a very critical role in our home . . . she stands on it to make cookies at the kitchen counter.
The desk is
47″ wide . 31″ tall . 21″ deep
and has a nice pull out drawer for a computer keyboard.
Have I yet mentioned that one of my favorite found treasures is this typewriter? I spotted it on KSL and it was clear down south but my brother-in-law agreed to pick it up for us and I cannot thank him enough. It is super light weight and the perfect size. It compliments every picture perfectly.
The desk is simple yet could be very functional in a child’s room or even in a craft room. If you are interested in a price please contact me at

This project was contributed by one of our fabulous readers! We love to share your projects with this great blogging community. So, if you have projects from kitchen renovation ideas to small bathroom remodels, overhauled and repurposed furniture, spray paint updates you name it please send it in! Thanks for reading Remodelaholic!
Check out these other DIY and repurposing project ideas!


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Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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