DIY Serving Tray From Old Cabinet Door

Sharyl at The Little Brown House has created a great project using an old cabinet door as a serving tray.  I think that this is a great way to reuse and repurpose something.
So, my oldest sister has a birthday this month.
And she mentioned to me that she would like a serving tray.
Don’t tell her you saw this!
She doesn’t read my blog but others she knows do –
you know who you are!
I decided to make the tray out of cabinet door
(big suprise!)
And where would I go for one but the Habitat Restore Store!
I found an incredibly ugly one – not on purpose, but it was the right size and shape.
Ugly? Am I right or am I right?
I sanded it with my palm sander –
(Quite the tool Diva aren’t I?)
Then sprayed it with a primer coat of….
wait for it…
Heirloom White! (heavens own color)
Then I brush painted it, so that I could get the look
I was going for. I used a Behr paint that is really close
to Heirloom White (heavens own color)
It is called Table Linen if anyone is interested.
Please forgive this photo – night, small dark room, that is all…
I knew that I wanted to put something vinyl on the tray, and was planning
on ordering something, but as usual time got away from me!
I went into my never fail dollar store, Dollar Tree, and found this great
vinyl with the word Welcome on it. Perfect! Guess how much it cost?
That joke just never grows old.
While I was at the Restore I picked up some cabinet hardware to use for tray handles.
They were .25 cents each, and the cabinet door was a dollar.
My sweet hubby screwed in the handles, and then all that was left was putting on the vinyl.
Isn’t it too cute!
She can display it when she isn’t using it as a tray.
Here is is ready to serve coffee and treats to guests!
What are those treats, you ask?
Why, those are my failed attempt at Bakerella’s Cake Pops,
I call them Cake Bombs…
So there you have a Diy serving tray –
Not bad for $2.50 huh!
I really like it, and of course now want to make myself one!

I just think that this is a cool idea.  Great job on making a serving tray from an old door!
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Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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  1. >Love it! I have a cabinet door that I got from the Restore that was just waiting for something to be done to it. You have given me the perfect solution. I can't believe you found the vinyl thing at Dollar Tree. I'll be checking it out. Thanks…

  2. >This is perfect. I've been looking for a tray for my ottoman. My boys (and their lovely girl friends) keep trying to set cups on it which is driving my crazy. Thanks for the idea.

  3. >That is so perfect!! Very clever and it turned out so pretty!! I have a door like that and I have no idea what to do with it until now!!! Thank you!

  4. >Love it! And we just happen to be remodeling our kitchen…. thus, a TON of FREE doors!!! And the hardware on the door isn't too bad… just nickle finish. The cabinets themselves are beyond hope… but those doors.. I know what I'm making!!! Thanks for the idea!

  5. I love this! I was wondering, could you suggest some type of top coat to make this washable without the decal coming off?

    1. Hi Crystal — any type of top coat would do the job, but the vinyl decals generally do a pretty good job of staying on. Thanks!