25 Awesome Built-In Beds and Bed Nooks

25 Awesome Built-In Beds and Bed Nooks | @Remodelaholic #bed #bedroom #nook #renovate #guest #kids

25 Awesome Built-In Beds and Bed Nooks

I really like this Murphy bed concealed in the guest room dresser! See how Joy2Journey made it here!


This darling, pirate-themed room from Batchelor’s Way is made complete with the built-in bed, bookshelves, and window seat! Featured on Remodelaholic


Got a little super hero living in your house? Check out this amazing design from I Am Momma Hear Me Roar, featured on Remodelaholic.


These hanging loft beds from Contented Sparrow create so much free space for kids and all their stuff! Featured on Remodelaholic


This playhouse/bunk bed combo built-in from Remodelaholic is the perfect hideaway for little girls!


Love the built-in beds and storage space in this shared bedroom from Coastal Living, featured on Remodelaholic.


The rustic wood paneling in this attic bed nook from Apartment Therapy makes it look so cozy!


Finally, these gorgeous hanging beds are so contemporary, fun, and stylish, too! The Pioneer Woman featured on Remodelaholic


Now you have all you need to turn that small, underused space in your home into a charming and cozy bed nook! Or renovate your bedroom with one of these great built-in beds!

IN THIS POST: Creative Bed Nooks and Built-In Beds
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Featured image courtesy of The Pioneer Woman.

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Lorene has been behind the scenes here at Remodelaholic for more than a decade! She believes that planning projects and actually completing them are two different hobbies, but that doesn't stop her from planning at least a dozen projects at any given time. She spends her free time creating memories with her husband and 5 kids, traveling as far as she can afford, and partaking of books in any form available.

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  1. Great ideas but this website is too busy!! Too much stuff going on. The pics everything but what I was trying to look at. And what the title of the page was about. The picture was small and cropped. Cute stuff but it’s like a circus when you get on this site which is why it’s hard to load. Too must stuff on it.