Home Sweet Home on a Budget: Bedrooms for Boys

I just have to say, I am having SO MUCH FUN this month, finding children’s bedrooms to feature. Last week’s nurseries had me smelling Dreft in the air and getting just a tad bit baby hungry. This week, seeing all these fantastic spaces just for boys, I’m seriously wishing for a son or two! Hmmm….laundry room month didn’t make me want more laundry, how come kids’ bedroom month makes me want more kids?

I’ll tell you why: because no space is more fun to decorate than a child’s room. Making a room that works for a little person–especially one you love to pieces–is an opportunity to be your most creative and whimsical. It’s a chance to pair bright colors and favorite things. It’s an opportunity to take risks you wouldn’t in, say, the living room. Mostly, I think decorating for kids gives us the chance to look back on our own childhoods and think about what we would have loved, and then re-create that dream room for our own children.

Before I show you these amazing kid’s spaces, I just want to remind you that next week is your chance to show off projects you’ve completed to spruce up the children’s bedrooms at your house. Get ready for another fun linkup, from September 28th – October 1st. Now, let’s check out some amazing bedrooms for boys!

Bedrooms For Boys!

Tons of colorful vintage touches and completely epic loft beds in the brothers’ bedroom at Contented Sparrow.

Eye-popping graphics and a bed you can climb up and slide down make this bedroom from I Am Momma Hear Me Roar the most fun in the house!

At Home Stories A2Z, the boys room achieves a nautical feel without a single sailboat. I love the navy and yellow color combo.

Need inspiration for a teen boy room? Check out this one at 71 Toes.

More fun for a teen boy with this hilarious Napoleon Dynamite wall mural at Design Mom.

Holly of Holly Mathis Interiors designed this room to be shared by her older and younger sons. The chalkboard dresser is a super fun touch.

Another fun bedroom theme from I Am Momma Hear Me Roar. Check out this old-time western DIYed bed.

Mandi from Tidbits from the Tremaynes built this hideaway nook bed for her son’s room. It includes tons of hidden storage.

Although this boy’s bedroom at The Pleated Poppy has to pull double duty as a guest room, it includes some fun little-man touches like a tool chest bedside table!

Simple in design, this room featured at I Am Momma Hear Me Roar leaves plenty of room for climbing, jumping, and playing.

Built just for the grandkids by their grandpa, this jaw-droppingly cool pirate bedroom that includes not one but six places to sleep is featured at Tidbits from the Tremaynes.

Next week: same time, same place for girls’ bedroom inspiration and the kids’ bedroom linkup!
Featured image and Pinterest-friendly picture from Better Homes & Gardens.


More Boys Room Ideas Here and

you can check out all boy room features here!


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*Update:  We have had a ton of questions about this airplane panel art, so we did some looking.  We found similar pieces available at Pottery Barn, and on Etsy.   We even found a DIY version from The Cre8tive Outlet.

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