Picking Colors… what to do?!

I guess you know we just moved, since I have talked about it so much I haven’t really shown you anything, because we have so much to show you from our last house first.  But I am in the midst of figuring out my new color scheme, amongst a million other things including where the heck to I put my junk since we downsized by 1,000 square feet.


Anywho, I thought it would be fun to show you some of the ideas that I have been thinking about.  I have some pretty significant elements that I am going to be working with namely a LARGE rock wall fireplace.  Luckily I really like the colors in the stone (they are a little more grey than yellow as the picture shows), and I am sort of crushing on the farmhouse vibe so I think it will work out.



Here is some of the inspiration I have found via my Pinterest account (shameless plug: Please come follow me!)


Okay the kitchen above is a dream, I am not sure of the original source, since it was pinned as a Google image, but things I love about this picture… the grey island!  I love the grey island, I love everything about it. The white dishes in the open shelving…. I love dishes! (featured image source)



This cabinet.. oh my goodness I want to swoop into this picture and collect this for my own kitchen.  I love everything about it.  Again pretty neutral palette, but actually what I am hoping for.



Grey cabinets, again with the grey… what can I say?  I love the glass doors and the display, and that bright pop of natural green in that fern (but heaven knows I would need it to be fake it it planned on surviving…)




I keep coming back to this picture, it is so great, I love the calm palette, and I have had that blue in my last two houses, but I still love it.  I LOVE the barn wood on the walls, I am definitely going to be adding that type of finish to the palette, and I love the silver, grey wood, so be looking for that color.



Another great barn wood example.



I love the natural color and texture of these baskets, and I have been eyeing the Moroccan tiles for about a year now.




I do want to add a few pops of color, and I have loved this recent image, it adds the blues (that I already have and the pops of yellow that I have too and you haven’t seen from decorating the last house!)  But I am still sort of wishy-washy about exactly what color I want to use.  I know neutral greys but that is about it.  I am still looking for the perfect inspiration to jump out and grab me.


There are just a LOT of options.. am I right, it can be overwhelming?  Well, I’ve talked about picking colors for your home in the past, and I know the advice, I just have a hard time committing, because I tend to be able to appreciate ANY style!


So, I have  introduced you to My Colortopia, a great place to hang out and get help choosing colors and finding inspiration.  And I wanted to tell you about a fun way they just started to start getting inspiration AND brag about your finished projects.  My Colortopia, just launched a new section of their website called Show Your Colors where you can highlight your projects and inspire others and well as glean great inspiration from other great projects.  In fact, you can even upload your pictures right here.



Do you have any projects you want to show off?  Go check it out!  What do you think of the colors I am liking (or I guess lack off color… not that I think that will be the case in the end!)


***I have been sponsored by Glidden® brand paint to write this post but the thoughts and opinions expressed are my own.

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Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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  1. I love the pale blue of that bedroom (what color is that exactly?). And I’m with you on gray in the kitchen. It hadn’t thought of such a dark gray like on that island, but I’m loving that. A nice gray is from Home Depot – Sharkey Gray (sorry Glidden folks…). Keep with the subtle palette – I love it. (Now I’m inspired to do a color post on my blog!)

    1. I can’t tell ya the color since these are inspiration shots I found online. But Sherwin Williams has a plugin/program that you can “chip it to find out the colors in the space. Give it a try.