95 Ways to Hide or Decorate Around the TV, Electronics, and Cords

TV Gallery Wall Ideas

Gallery walls are really popular right now, and they can fit with any style decorating!

See our quick and easy way to hang a gallery wall FAST, plus beautiful easy gallery wall ideas

In this post:
page 1: how to decorate around the TV
page 2: TV gallery wall ideas
page 3: creative ways to hide your television
page 4: tricks for hiding electronics and cords

The folks at Sanus sent us this great infographic about using standard-size frames to create a gallery wall around a wall-mount tv, and we found it really informative! (Plus, even though wall mounts are becoming more affordable, you can also DIY your own wall-mount TV hanging solution for around $15, tutorial here.)how to create a stunning TV gallery wall tips


But of course… there’s more than one way to make a gallery wall! You can frame the TV as part of the gallery style (via Nine MSN)

framed television gallery wall via ninemsn

Or use just a few simple frames, like Little Victorian.

simple gallery wall to decorate around the TV (Little Victorian)

Who says frames have to have photos or art in them? Use them empty! (from Two Oh Two Seven)

television as part of a long gallery wall in a family room - use empty frames and other elements (via twoohtwoseven)

This gallery wall from Beautiful Matters is beautifully balanced and modern with a variety of colors! (Read tips for creating one like this here.)

balanced gallery wall to disguise a tv (Beautiful Matters)

Black and white is always classic (via Decoholic)

contemporary black and white gallery wall around the TV

and with that wood, and it’s perfectly industrial! (Tidbits and Twine)

black and white vintage gallery wall around the TV (Tidbits and Twine)

The large chalkboards in this arrangement ground the design so that the other elements don’t feel busy (from First Home Love Life)

extra-large chalkboards and industrial gallery wall around television (First Home Love Life)

And this gallery wall at Room for Tuesday matches the room style perfectly!gallery wall around television (Room For Tuesday)

Don’t let the TV restrict you either — this gallery wall doesn’t even leave a space for the TV, but the overlap helps the art to stand out and minimize the TV (from Cup of Jo).large art gallery wall to hide a TV (Cup of Jo)

Another beautifully balanced gallery wall (Material Girls).

balanced gallery wall with gold frames around TV (via Material Girls)

And the striped wall on this one looks great, too! (from Domestic Fashionista)gallery wall around TV (Domestic Fashionista)

Use a dark wall and light frames to help the art stand out, while the TV recedes (via Design Mom)

TV gallery wall, dark wall with light frames to hide the television (via Design Mom)

Keep things in line with this simple modern gallery wall layout above the TV (via Style at Home)

industrial living room with gallery wall above tv (Style at Home)



If your television is large, or you just really really *only* want to see it when you are watching a show, there are also plenty of ways to completely hide that big black box —

See ways to hide your TV on the next page –>

Decorate around the television with these ideas for TV gallery walls @Remodelaholic

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    1. I haven’t seen a lot of them, but I’ll start looking for and saving ideas and we can do another post soon! 🙂

  1. Any ideas to hide a corner wall mounted tv put there because if furniture placement and not wanting to take a main wall for decoration up by the tv?

  2. A corner wall-mounted tv has been placed there due to furniture arrangement. I don’t want a primary wall for décor taken up by it. What can I do to hide it?