Stylish, Inspiration Monday

**If you are looking for the Bathroom Cabinet I linked the wrong post, sorry about that, check it out here

I was just wondering how you all decide what you are doing on your own house? What inspires you? Is it fashion? Movies sets? Magazines? The outdoors? A friend?

I myself, am inspired by many things, too many things. You see, I don’t have a lot of favorites. If you asked me what my favorite food was, I really truly could not give you an answer. If we narrowed it down to ingredients, I could tell you that right now, I am totally crazy for eggplant! But then again, in a few months I will get excited about something new, like zucchini or asparagus.

I don’t have a favorite movie, but I love movies. I would have to ask, how do you want to feel after you watch the movie? Or, what type of genre? Then, I could give you a list of a few that I really enjoy.

So, when it comes to interior design for my own home, I am the same. No set style that I MUST have. I have to just decide what style I am going with and try to stick with it, til we move to a different house, and not getting awed away from it by all the newfangled beauties I see. But of course there are always certain things that I love.

Moldings!  Interesting architecture!  Built in Character.  An eclectic mix of certain elements.  So today, I thought that for Inspiration Monday, I would show you some of my favorite exterior home pictures.  There is a mix for sure.  Sorry about no sources.. I have been collecting, finding or taking these pictures for a few years.

What are your favorites? 
Do you have any in particular? 
Why are they your favorites?

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Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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  1. >This is my problem, too. I love so many different styles that I struggle to find a balance in my decorating. I wish I could be all this or that. It would make decorating SO much easier and faster. But it's more difficult to pull together a blend of looks and make it look good and effortless. I drive myself crazy. Things that are always a given though:

    Interesting architectural elements
    Wood floors
    White woodwork with some OOMPH to it (not just skinny 3" ranch molding painted white)
    Nothing too matchy-matchy
    Natural light must be plentiful

  2. >That photo of the sage green house with the black shutters,white fence is great…add the red structure in the back and it rocks!

  3. >I love the house in the 6th photo [little white house with small front porch].

    I really like porches but not HUGE porches and the one in that photo just looks so inviting. A house you could sit out on the front porch with a cup of coffee!

    As far as my own personal decor style I like so many things it's hard for me to find a happy medium [although I do NOT like modern and or contemporary style. Yuck]. I love nuetrals so whatever I choose for decor it usually involves nuetrals. I like vintage style moldings, hardwood floors, natural light, comfy and cozy type styles. 🙂

  4. >I love the first pic! curves and character in a home are what stands out to me… they are warm and friendly I guess? Lately I have loved a certain style but not sure what to call it.. its the rustic beach house with sanded white b-board stuff…
    Your blog is great! what great info and inspirational thoughts!

  5. >I find it difficult to pin down my style, too. "Eclectic mix" is what comes to my mind. Among your pics the second but last one is my favourite – because it is much like my own current residence. An old, urban dwelling with large front steps and a massive wooden front door. However, I would also be quite happy with something modern with boxy, straight lines. Ultimately, I think you can adapt to any home – and make it your own with bits and pieces on the inside and the outside…
    Thanks for the inspiring photos!

  6. >I have so many ideas that nothing ever gets done! That's why my walls are still white and my couches are still bare! It is my resolution to something to my house this year, and I'm starting with my entry room. I love simple and clean designs. Something with not a lot of clutter, but bold! Mossy greens, browns and creamy whites!!

  7. >I just stumbled on your blog and loved today's post! Sometimes I wish I could have several houses because so many styles appeal to me. My favorite is #6–I do have a thing for white houses with porches 🙂 thanks for sharing the photos!

  8. >I love that house with the cedar siding! It's all contemporary and beautiful. I'm not sure I could actually ever live IN it, but I lerve the way they look in the magazines. 🙂

  9. >I am so glad to see someone else takes pictures of homes that they find interesting. Larry & I sometimes do that on beautiful sundays. We will just drive around with our camera and take pictures of different aspects of homes that we like. Things we would love to have on our home "when we grow up."
    We usually fall in love with the farm style home, or a craftsman home or the victorian home. And Larry has always loved a particular style that I can't think of right now.

  10. >We too have been collecting pictures of houses we like so "one day" when we build our own new house we can make it look like the old ones we love the look of. I LOVE LOVE LOVE wrap around porches, those interior windows above the doorways in the really old houses with high ceilings, and fat baseboards. One day . . . . .

  11. >I'll take the sixth house down please. The white cape cod-ish one with the wrap porch. *swoon*

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