{show & tell} House Tour

Hi everyone!  I am Sausha from {show & tell}, I started my blog just a couple months ago and have had so much fun sharing my ideas but mostly stealing I mean borrowing other bloggers ideas – there is seriously so much talent out here in blogland.  My idea files are jam packed with future projects!
So when Cassity asked me to part of her home tour I was so excited – my blog was so new at that time.  There is so much talent out there and this is truly an honor.
I am going to show you the “main” part of my house today.  The entry, family room, dining room and the kitchen.  These rooms are nearly done but I definitely have some things that I want to change up – especially after looking at them through a camera 🙂
This is the outside of our house – we have been here barely 3 years now and can’t wait until all of our bushes grow up!
When you walk in the front door I was lucky to get a pretty large entry way.  To the left of the entry are the kids rooms/bathroom and on the right is my husbands office. 
I performed a little “surgery” on a dresser (you can read about that here) and put it up against the wall.  I really like how the space still feels open and not cluttered.  I decorated with some random things, pics of kids on curtain rod with one of my many wreaths, goodwill lamp re-do and an old chunk of carved wood.
Directly across the entry way is the stairway going to the basement.  This whole thing (entry way and stairwell) will be getting some board and batten treatment when we finish up the basement.  For now I have a huge old window hanging on the wall along with a $5 bench from goodwill that I recently made over.  Its a great place to store blankets for snuggling up on the couch 🙂


When you come in you can see the family room/dining room.  Glad you cant see the kitchen – usually dirty dishes in there 🙂 
Here are some pics of the family room.  We purchased all new furniture when we moved in but I actually just made and covered the couches in the white slip covers a couple weeks ago (read about some of that here).  When we 1st moved in I was digging sage green, golds and browns.  I was so over that and decided to paint a more neutral, calm color just over a year ago.  So glad I did, it totally changed the look and feel of my house and the way that I decorate it as well.  One day I will post the before pics on my blog 🙂
For now I am loving the all white couches, I bought some fabric to cover the throw pillows but I think I am going to stay with the all white for the summer.  Maybe I will add some texture to those pillows – I am thinking ruffles?!?!  Another project for another day…
I also just recently refinished my coffee tables and used some of my old mason jars as flower vases.  This little project was so cheap and easy and I love the color that it brings into my otherwise very neutral room.  You can see more pics of that post here.
One challenge in this space is that built in desk.  At first I thought it would be a great space for the kids and their homework but really its just a junk collector.  I have future plans to add some shelving to the desk to make it feel like a built in hutch.
Another challenge in this space is the corner fireplace.  Furniture placement is a little difficult and really only looks good when the couches are angled.  Also my house is pretty light and airy and the dark stacked stone seems to heavy. I recently added the barn wood planks to the back of the clock – I am liking it better but am still thinking of cutting it down to fit the clock?  Not sure yet…
The console table under the TV is a $40 goodwill purchase – you can see the before pic here.
Right next to the family room is the dining room.  I really wish this whole space was about 5 feet wider.  Its fine for normal every day use but seems cramped when we have people over – I think its because of the way that I have angled the couches.  But it works for now.
I did make room for an antique nightstand that I got from my grandma, you can read about that here.
I recently made the chair bows out of drop cloths.  I love how it softens the space up.  With so many windows there are a lot of harsh lines – I recently tried to hang drop cloth curtains but my husband was having it, sometimes I have to let him have his way 🙂
And you guessed it, right next to the dining room is the kitchen.  I love this kitchen!  I love the cream, bead board cabinets – they are so classic and will never go out of style.  The kitchen is a decent size and it works for us.  I have a huge walk-in pantry that is currently undergoing a little makeover – complete with a old chippy  door to replace that builder door – cant wait!
I installed the “faux” ceiling tiles a while ago for the backsplash and I love it.  I love the texture and think the style of them works perfect with our house.
I had a little extra space so I bought this cute little shelf that holds some random things.  See that white pantry door?  Soon that will be gone 🙂
I love all things old and chippy, and when I came across this old wood tool box @ goodwill for about $5 I new I could do so many things with it.  Right now it sits on my island and is lined with candles.  I didn’t even have to paint it!
Here is a pic from the kitchen looking into the family room – I gotta see the TV while I am fixin some dinner 🙂
 Well, I think that’s pretty much it!  I am so glad I could share my space with you, I hope you liked it and will visit me @ {show & tell} so you can see all those future updates that I talked about!
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Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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  1. >Ooh augh ooh augh…SO PRETTY! Thanks for joining us for Anything Related! ~Bridgette

  2. >You have a beautiful home – I love your backsplash! And you are So right about corner fireplaces…I'm not sure why anyone stills designs them into houses.

  3. >Your home is stunning. Plain and simple. Well, not your home but you know what I mean. 😉

  4. >Wow, what a gorgeous home. I love so many things about it but that tray with the flowers in the jars is just fabulous.

    Thank you for this great post today!

    Best wishes,

  5. >Lovely home…especially your kitchen!! I have the same clock as the one over your mantle! Just love it (my neighbors tease me that they can see the time from their yard as they mow their lawn!!)

  6. >Your home is so lovely! Love the white furniture with the color of the walls and the dark floors. Fabulous kitchen!

  7. >I want to come live with you.

    I love that you made or remodeled so many things in your home. The time and effort has really paid off!

    Thank you for participating the Creative Therapy session at Life in the Pitts!

  8. >What a wonderful home! As a guy, it's nice to see a space with both femine and masculine appeal (ie big screen tv!). Sometimes it's tough for us to live in "the land of precious"! It looks like a real family lives here and the personal touches are very inviting. Thanks for sharing on Modern Craftswoman Monday! Rory