Rock ‘n Roll, Front Porch Revamp: Guest

Marty at A Stroll Thru Life has an inviting front yard.  She did a couple of simple updates and made it look even more beautiful and she shows us how she did it.  Check it out.

My front porch was in very sad shape. This is what the poor rockers looked like. They really need refinishing.

Restained and looking so much better. See the white chinese garden stool. That’s the famous one from Big Lots. It needs painting too, and the poor dead plants replaced.

This is what I used to transform the chinese stool.

First it got two different colors of green.

Then a little stain was sponged on for character. I finished it with 2 coats of Clear Gloss.

Ta-DA!!! New front porch. Much better.

A view to the front door.

The wreath got a little redo too.

Some pillows and a new fern, now this looks inviting.

Of course a little critter had to be added.

The stool is just the perfect size for a couple of glasses of iced tea.

Since we live in Arizona, of course we have desert landscaping, but the porch still looks inviting.

It is very inviting.  
For a desert landscape it also really looks lush and green.  Great outdoor space.  I think I might have to invite myself over and try out those rockers right now. 
Comments anyone?
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Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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  1. >Thanks for dropping by my blog this weekend. I have been out of town, but I'm back now and looking forward to checking out your blog. Thanks for becoming a follower. I'm off to add myself to your blog too.

    Your porch looks great too by the way!

  2. >Yeah,no kidding! I was thinking the same thing! I believe this is the first time I've commented though I've followed you religiously since I first found you (the day before you revealed your headboard how-to!)I LOVE your blog and how you showcase everyone, in addition to sharing your amazing creativity and ideas!

  3. >Very nice. I am in need of a porch make-over myself. There are some great ideas here. I especially want to try painting some porcelain pieces so that they'll match different areas.

    Great job!