My Pantry Organization

I don’t know about you but after Christmas I am SO ready to clean out my house.  I don’t know if it is the new year, and being stuck in my house with the freezing weather that causes it, but I have a a sneaking suspicion that it might have to do with Christmas day.  When the clutter of Christmas decor… and new toys…  and wrapping paper…  and boxes… and general lack of elementary school … is at an all time high, I just can’t help wanting to go “cleaning ninja-warrior” on my whole house.
Then, when I actually take down the tree with the adrenaline high of singing and twirling to the song Wide Open Spaces, I start scheming about what else needs to have a good thorough cleaning and organizing.
So the question is, where did my schemes lead me to this year?  The prime suspect right now are my kitchen cabinets!!!  Cue scary music… dun, dun, DUUUNNN.
When we moved in, and redesigned the kitchen, I literally created a map for each and every item to have a home in my kitchen.  I used that to help plan the purchase of my cabinets.  But as time has gone on, we’ve made a few changes AND made not just a few messes when putting things away.  Now about a solid year into living with our new kitchen, I am realizing we need to to some more specific organizing within each individual space.
S0, when my Better Homes and Garden for Walmart challenge for the month of January came up as Refresh Your Home.  I literally took that as a sign from the heavens that I needed to work on my refreshing my messy kitchen cabinets.  I’m so glad I get to partner with them every other month to refresh a space in my home.  And this month I want to present my refreshed snack pantry!
 Pantry Organization | Keep all your food organized and fresh with clear containers and a little bit of organization via
When I got the assignment, I ran ( not walked) to Walmart to scan the isles for what I could use to make my space look cleaner!  And I found these great clear BPA free storage containers.  I had 4 shelves that could house containers, so the box of 3 containers was a perfect deal for me, and cheaper than buying them individually.  I bought 6 of the sets as a side note, if you don’t need that many sizes, keep in mind that you can buy them one at a time, like a did for the large 18.6 cup boxes, I bought 5 of those, because that is what fit in my pull out shelf/drawer.
 Pantry Organization | Keep all your food organized and fresh with clear containers and a little bit of organization via
If you want to find the products I used and what else they have available, just click  on the image below to see the project.  These are affiliate links, I may earn a small commission if you buy them, but it doesn’t increase the price of the product for you
After finding these great containers, I knew that my first project would need to be my small snack pantry.  It is (was) a HUGE mess!!  This picture literally doesn’t do the mess justice!
 Pantry Organization | Keep all your food organized and fresh with clear containers and a little bit of organization via

 The thing about our kitchen it, when it comes to organizing our bulk food, we actually have a large cold food storage room in our basement, and so I keep most of my actual cans and shelf stable foods in that space to make sure that we rotate things properly (also that we eat more of the fresh foods that we buy than canned etc) but we do have one main space for snacks and bread that we have literally piled high with, boxes, and bags, and, wrappers, and candy, and leftovers whatevers, misc galore, you get the picture right?.  In essence it was your worst pantry nightmare.  So, I cleared it out all onto my dining table (with a couple additions from the store) and if the pictures of the pantry didn’t look bad, now at least you can see that I am telling the truth, it was BAD!

Pantry Organization | Keep all your food organized and fresh with clear containers and a little bit of organization via

Here is the deal, and this is where I need to get really real with you all.  If this system isn’t so easy a five year old can do it (youngest member of my family), it will NOT stay looking good.  I don’t want to have to reorganize my pantry every time I go grocery shopping.  And I do not buy the same things every time I go shopping- so the first thing to go was labels.  That is right, as cute as labels look on a set of matching containers, I do not even want to think about having to find a chalk pen or reprint or whatever every time I go grocery shopping.  I don’t want to have the wrong thing in a container…  – which means just absolutely no labels.  But the beauty of the containers that I bought is that they are clear, so you can see what is in them, so you don’t need labels.
To get everything to work, we had to reorganize the drawers just a little bit within the cabinet.  We used to have the cereal on the top shelf but I wanted them easy to get (AND easy to put away!!) so we put them on the bottom shelf, ultimately it will make feeding themselves breakfast a lot easier (if it is a cereal day).
Anyway, after cleaning through the GIANT pile of stuff, (we threw a couple things away and gave a few things away that we just weren’t using but were brand new in the package).  We got all but a couple things in the containers.  Want to see the afters?
I feel refreshed!!
Pantry Organization | Keep all your food organized and fresh with clear containers and a little bit of organization via
Pantry Organization | Keep all your food organized and fresh with clear containers and a little bit of organization via
I feel like you need to pictures me doing jazz hands as I show you this amazing space!! Pantry Organization | Keep all your food organized and fresh with clear containers and a little bit of organization via

On each shelf we had just a tiny bit of left over space, so we filled those where we could, with boxes that were either kind of cute OR wrapped in duct tape. But you can put them in the back of the shelf if you want- so that every time you open your pantry you feel the rush of beauty that only matching clear containers can provide!

Pantry Organization | Keep all your food organized and fresh with clear containers and a little bit of organization via
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 I am a part of the Better Homes and Gardens Live Better network.  Which means I get to to share a few of my favorite things, projects, opinions, and my own original ideas with you. Thank you to Better Homes and Gardens at Walmart for sponsoring this post. Follow BHG Live Better on  FacebookTwitterPinterest, and Instagram.
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Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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  1. I am loving the containers but I am ALL THE HEART EYES on those pantry pull out shelves!!! I love the bread organizer drawer. Did you install them yourselves? Any more info on them? Thanks so much!!!

  2. Looks great but I started putting things in clear glass containers yesterday and realized it might create problems. I don’t know by heart the cooking instructions for some of the product I don’t use very often. Throwing the pack away after I empty the content in a container doesn’t seem a good idea. There is also the issue with the expiry dates, which are on the packs. I have foods that had expired before I opened them and strongly suspect that something might expire being in a container and I wouldn’t know. Do you have any suggestions about this? Or maybe the other readers of the blog? Would appreciate any ideas.

    1. All good points, Val, thank for the comment. The things in this pantry are things that we go through pretty quickly, so I am not overly concerned about expiration dates for our purposes, but you could try using a small sticker label on the bottom of the container, or a wet-erase type marker on the container or on a label, that would just need updated when you replaced the item with fresh. For cooking instructions, I would probably just cut them off the package and add them to my recipe binder, since that’s what I use to organize my recipes. I will also post this over on our Facebook page soon to see if any other readers have ideas. Thanks!

    2. My pantry isn’t anywhere nearly as well organized as this, but when I use a clear container for storing something where I need the directions, I just cut that part of the box out and put it up against the inside of the container so the directions show through. I do the same with freezer bags when that applies in the freezer.

  3. Where did you get your pull out drawers? I clicked on the cabinet link that you provided but didn’t see any info about the pull out drawers.

  4. Hi Cassity, My wife loves the tall pull out pantry with the drawers. Help this husband make her dream come true! Where did you get the drawers and what brand are they?


    Hopeful Husband

  5. Looks wonderful, Cassidy, but there was nothing (and I looked closely) in your pantry I would eat. Our food goes in refrigerator. I’d be happy to watch a keto refrigerator organization. My pantry would store keto dry ingredients for making breads, etc., and coffee/tea needs.