Kids Room Desks: Guest Remodel

At Hickory Dickory Home she has taken some old desks and cleaned them up for two kids room desks.

At the beginning of the summer I knew that I wanted to get desks for the kids rooms. I went thrifting and found some great deals! I paid a little more for this first desk because I really wanted it. I think it was $20 because it was a consignment item.

A little bit o’ magic with a can of Fire Engine Red spray paint and……………VOILA!!!
I then found a chair at GW for $5 and sprayed that the same color spray paint!
I added a blue seat cushion that I picked up at WM for $4 and it makes a perfect addition to his new Mario Bros. Room!
I also picked up the little tin buckets at Gee to the Dubbya! I think they were 50 cents each. He loves math and wanted to learn his times tables, so I got him a poster for above his desk.
So…then I went to GW and found this desk for …….99 cents!!!!!! It had some nasty corkboard on the back and had some nails sticking out the top. I took both of those off and cleaned out the drawers. I sanded it and painted it with Black Laquer spray paint. I then picked up some sheet metal from Lowes and glued it with Gorilla Glue to the back. The kids and I made some magnets with those clear stones (the kind you put in vases) from the Dollar Tree, some magazine cutouts, and Modge Podge! They turned out awesome, picture and tutorial to come later!

I was super shocked at how good this turned out. He loves it!! I also picked up this dirty nasty metal chair for 99 cents. It was VERY grimy. A little cleaning and replacement of the seat cushion and backing (that was a vinyl) with some blue fabric and it was awesome!
I also put some black trim around the edges of the sheet metal with hot glue!
Oh…and the frame (which now has a picture in it), the boxes, and the lamp….all from GW! I think I spent a total of $4.00.

We added a silohette vinyl to his wall for the overall look. He loves his new room!
How nice to have those two new kids room desks.  
They turned out great!  
Which one do you like the most?
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Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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  1. >I like the first one the best!!! I remember having those desks in elementary school. And the color is great!
    I inherited an antique school desk from my grandmother that I am excited to refinish when my son is older… fun stuff. 🙂

  2. >I love the black desk! What a great idea, I never thought of putting sheet metal on one to create a magnetic board! Love it! You did an awesome job!!!!

  3. >i just saw a little metal desk yesterday at a thrift store and thought, now what can I do with that???? I think I just figured it out, I did not look close to see if it was one where the top opens. Both rooms look great!!


  4. >I think the red desk looks the best – very striking transformation. It reminds me of the desks I had in elementary school (except that ours had an opening on the front side rather than lifting up). Your paint job looks great in the pictures.

    As a side note – its funny to me (someone who grew up with Super Mario Bros. as a staple in my elementary school years) that Mario on the wall is now in 3D! Kids have everything these days 😉

  5. >Thanks sooo much for featuring me! I am new to this blog thing and am so appreciative of the comments! 🙂