How to Decorate a Christmas Tree in 5 Simple Steps

Learn how to decorate a Christmas tree — these five basis steps apply to every type of decor and style. You’ll love the end result!

Round out your holidays with these other helpful tutorials: Decorating Gingerbread Houses, Hanging Stockings without a Mantel or Fireplace, and How to Make an Evergreen Swag.

How To Decorate A Christmas Tree In Five Basic Steps, Sincerely Sara D On Remodelaholic


How to Decorate a Christmas Tree
in just 5 steps

by Sara of Sincerely, Sara D.

These five basic steps can be applied to every tree and decor style. Here, I use white lights, but you could use color. I like the silvery white filler and decorations, but you can use what you like. Regardless of the actual color and style of your decor, these five steps to how to decorate a Christmas tree will result in a full, festive tree you can be proud of!

How to Decorate a Christmas Tree, Step 1: Add Lights

I prefer to use an extension cord and wrap it up the tree’s trunk.  That way, lights can be added starting at the top of the tree versus starting at the bottom.  Remember to connect no more than three strands of lights!

How To Decorate A Christmas Tree, Add Lights By Sincerely Sara D On Remodelaholic

How to Decorate a Christmas Tree, Step 2: Add Filler

By “filler” I mean pretty things you add to the tree, similar to something you would find in a floral arrangement.  Filler adds interest to the tree and helps fill any holes.

How To Decorate A Christmas Tree By Adding Filler, Sincerely Sara D On Remodelaholic

How to Decorate a Christmas Tree, Step 3: Add Ribbon

Ribbon adds texture to the tree.  There are several ways you can add it.  You can wrap it around the tree, you can stream it down the tree starting from the top and you can cut ribbon sections and add sporadically through the tree. Try all three to see what you like best.

Steps To Decorating A Christmas Tree, Sincerely Sara D On Remodelaholic

How to Decorate a Christmas Tree, Step 4: Add ornaments

Try to visually keep the ornaments even throughout the tree. Fill in empty spots and rearrange as you go to get a look you love (and if you have pets or babies, you may want to skip adding ornaments to the bottom of the tree).

How To Decorate A Christmas Tree, Step 4 Add Ornaments By Sincerely Sarah D On Remodelaholic

Step By Step Tutorial How To Decorate A Christmas Tree, Sincerely Sara D On Remodelaholic

How to Decorate a Christmas Tree, Step 5: Add a tree skirt

A tree skirt is like a pair of shoes — it can make or break the outfit!  When you wear a pretty dress, you definitely want to wear pretty shoes.  The same goes for your Christmas tree! Match your tree skirt to the rest of the tree. A simple tree will look best with a simple skirt. A more elegant tree will look best with a more elegant skirt.

Steps To Decorating A Christmas Tree, Add A Tree Skirt, By Sincerely Sara D On Remodelaholic

And there you have it! A full, beautiful tree to enjoy!

How To Decorate A Christmas Tree In 5 Steps, Sincerely Sara D On Remodelaholic

5 Steps To Decorate A Christmas Tree Remodelaholic


Thanks so much to Remodelaholic for having me today.  If you want more Christmas decor ideas, check out last year’s Christmas mantel and my DIY chalkboard Christmas countdown!

Previously on Remodelaholic, I’ve shared my laundry room pegboard storage and starched fabric wall, and you can build a vintage mail sorter shoe cubby like mine using these plans that the team put together, too.



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More tips and ideas for decorating a Christmas tree:


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Sara Davis is the DIY home décor blogger behind Sincerely, Sara D. Sara believes she was created to create and loves sharing her work in hopes of inspiring others. In her DIY project tutorials, Sara shows that anyone can create a beautiful space with little cost and effort while giving others the confidence to create!

Sara and her husband Steve live in Pendleton, Indiana with their three children, Bryant, Benson and Lena. When not blogging or driving children to and from sports and school events, she teaches classes, consults with home décor clients and encourages others to create.

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