Got An Hour? Quick Design Updates!

When it comes to home improvement there seem to be two factors that are always on your mind money and it’s sidekick time.  Well, budgets are budgets and everyone’s is different, but all of us are limited to 24 hours in the day.  And if you are busy most of the time, then it can often feel like nothing is getting done.  (Believe me I know how you feel!)

But fear not, there are at least a few things you can do to update the look of your home without taking a day off.  Here are seven ideas that can take less than 1 hour to change.

Update your Throw Pillows

This update works for living rooms and bedrooms, but could also work for a bench in your entry. It is a great way to add a seasonal pop of color to brighten up the space.



Clean Off a Surface

As elementary as cleaning off a surface may sound, I am sure we all have one of those hot spot/catch all places that never seems to look nice.  Take a moment (or an hour!!!) to straighten and contain the junk.  Then be sure that you create a plan for containing the daily drop off zone.  Grab a pretty plate to hold your watch and pocket change.  An old wire basket to catch papers and newspaper.  What ever it takes, if you make a plan you can probably keep it looking nice for longer.  You’ll be amazed what organizing just one small space can do for your attitude about your home..

Entry drop off console table organized  Entry console table  Mudroom desk-organizing

Sources: Image 1, Image 2, Image34

Get Movin’…. Rearrange furniture

Moving furniture can make you feel totally inspired.  You can either switch your room around or switch out pieces from other rooms.    So, look at your rooms, and see if you can’t switch out a side chair.  **Beware of the domino effect moving furniture can begin.  Just be sure you have a plan before getting in too deep!

Floorplan planner  furniture paper templates for rearranging furniture

I love the idea of making paper templates for the floor before moving things around!  (thanks Martha!) and you can also check out this floor plan planner.

Get rid of something!

I believe that it is important to have some open space in all of our rooms. I like to see a bit of wall and baseboards, sort of a metaphorical place to catch a break. If a room has too much furniture, it can look cramped and even feel unclean.  Be sure that you have some room to breath and don’t fill every corner and space your eye will be happy for a break.  Bonus, you can pass it on, get a tax break

donation box Istock photo

Add a New Rug

A beautiful rug is a great investment for any room.  It can add color an interest in a heart beat!  Since flooring is an expensive investment, consider a throw rug for a quick change.  It doesn’t have to be terribly expensive either, the yellow striped rug below for example was only $100 dollars.

Yellow striped rug

Casual-beach-house-themed-living-room-before-and-after-interior-design (2)

This room works because of the rug!  Without it you would have no cohesive color scheme!

Add a lamp

Good lighting, can’t be beat, and ambient lights coming only from the center of your room can make a room feel cold and stark.  I would suggest adding a lamp or two and your room can easily feel more intimate and cozy with just the turn of a switch.   But more than that lamps can be such a focal point like these below.


(Sources: Image 1 DIY tripod lamp,

Organize in baskets

To keep your room organized and add a bit of texture, I love natural woven baskets.  I like them as toy boxes, laundry baskets, to collect shoes or a place for small collections on a shelf whatever purpose it may be I LOVE baskets!  Can you see why?

  Better homes and gardens baskets

Image Source BHG

 Okay so I shared some quick update ideas with you now I want to hear what you have to say,

 What quick décor update ideas do you have?

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Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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  1. All great tips! The Mr. just simply doesn’t understand the notion of changing out throw pillows. I’m ALWAYS on the search for new pillows. He wonders why we already have multiple pillows that aren’t being used as-is. The other concept he doesn’t understand is the idea that some pillows are for propping yourself up with or putting your head on when lounging on the sofa, and others are just for show. Drives him and The Teen nuts.

  2. Another tip is to freshen up accessories. Sometimes I shop my home and move things around from room to room. That way I get to rotate in all the things I love, while not tiring of anything. Keeps the room fresh, and The Mr. guessing. 🙂

  3. SO many fun, easy updates. I think you’re right, clearing off a space and updating the throw pillows are super simple yet effective upgrades that can be made in minutes. 🙂

    Fun to be featured with you at Organize Your Stuff Now!

  4. Accessories such as throw pillows, rugs and lamps seems so simple but they definitely could change the room’s mood! I also love adding a vase of different flowers every now and then depending on my mood ^^) thanks for sharing this post. have a fab weekend!

    Lelanie @