Our Windows, not so good.

One of the MAJOR problems with this house is the windows.  The house is about 40 years old now and so are most of the windows.   And they are single pane aluminum frame windows.  That might explain to you just how well they insulate for both hot and cold, but in case you need a better explanation, let me show you what the windows often looked like on the inside in the morning after a cold night…

Frost covered windows Frost covered windows4

Frost covered windows3

The entire window was covered with frozen steam…  One of Etta’s favorite morning rituals was drawing in the frozen ice crystals on the window.  Which is fun and all until you think about her poor parents trying to keep her room warm at night.   So what did we have to do?  Well in order to keep it warm we literally stuck a 4 inch foam mattress in there, that happened to cover the space almost perfectly.  Quality!  I know right.  Well you do what you have to to keep you kids warm at night, no matter how it may look! (one benefit- it definitely blacked out the room!)

Also, beyond them failing to perform or keep heat or cold out they are TOTAL beasts to open.  OR to get them to properly shut, if you didn’t do it the right way it just didn’t shut!  So I recorded this lovely, uh, high quality video of me opening it. 

Lastly the windows had been covered with that UV blocking film at one point in SUPER DARK.  So they let in very lightly light and you couldn’t see out the window.  Basically they just looked SUPER DIRTY at all times.  Poor Justin even spent 3-4 hours with a razor blade trying to remove the film but was only able to get a 1/4 of it off.  So it made our house feel like a total cave.

2013-05-03 Installing the windows (11)

Obviously we needed new windows so we shopped around and got about 3 quotes.  The prices ranged quite a bit, and because the house was old enough to possibly contain lead paint there was also the fee for checking for lead.  But that varied HUGELY between the companies we got quotes from, so be aware of that if you have an older home.

Ultimately we decided partner with the Home Depot to replace our windows.   There are a few reasons why but the biggest reasons to me was the warranty, or these many warranties to be exact:

• Up to lifetime craftsmanship warranty for as long as you own   your home
• Up to lifetime product warranties on frames, parts and  hardware transferable to the next homeowner
• Up to lifetime accidental glass breakage warranty including  sash replacement at no charge

(you just need to talk to the associate about what is covered with your purchase)

It has up to a double lifetime product warranty and up to a lifetime craftsmanship warranty.  Yes that means if you get new windows the warranty will transfer to the next owner if you ever sell, amazing.

We decided to go with dual pane vinyl windows in white with a  high-performance soft-coat low-E glass to block 84% of ultraviolet rays.  It is  is a bit above my head but luckily the guy that came to help measure the window broke it all down for us and so we knew what we wonted.  Thank heaven for great help!    Okay here are the before pictures I will show you the install and after picture tomorrow!

p.s. No I didn’t bother washing them before we got new ones installed…

2013-05-03 Installing the windows (7) 2013-05-03 Installing the windows (13) Flooring living room staged 131

Lots of work to do!  Yikes!

I will show you the afters and install tomorrow!

“I acknowledge that The Home Depot is partnering with me to participate in this 2013 REMODELAHOLIC WINDOW CAMPAIGN (the “Program”). As a part of the Program, I am receiving compensation in the form of products and services, for the purpose of promoting The Home Depot At Home Services. All expressed opinions and experiences are my own words. My post complies with the Word Of Mouth Marketing Association (WOMMA) Ethics Code and applicable Federal Trade Commission guidelines.

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Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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