Granite Gray Bathroom Reveal

Granite Gray Bathroom Reveal

Submitted By: The Corson Cottage

Painting a Vanity Bathroom Makeover featured on Remodelaholic
So this week I thought I would get back to our updates.
I have a few more areas of our house that I haven’t had a chance to share yet.
So here goes.
Here is our bathroom redo.
I mentioned this bathroom way back when…you can see it here.
I wish our before shot showed the colors that were originally here.
A yellowish beige with a green trim.  It really wasn’t good.
Unfortunately when we first moved in I didn’t have the blog yet.
The old mirror was greenish with a brushed gold,
very ornate (and plastic) and NOT in a old and charming way.
So this bathroom had your typical 80s bad oak bathroom vanity as you can see.
Ughh….and gold nobs too double ughhh….
So I went for a fairly frugal approach.
New paint for the walls – Behr Granite Grey -$25
 (one of my favorite colors in the entire house to this day:)
2 Coats of Primer to the vanity
2 Coats of a Behr White paint – $0 (I had it left over from painting our trim work.)
New Light Fixture $89 Lowes.
New nobs for the vanity $16 Lowes.
The mirror was a wedding gift from Dwellings.
 We also updated the tub surround,
which I did’t photo – it’s a basic white fiberglass $100 Lowes.
Towel bars $30 Lowes.
And added a new shower curtain Target – $10
Total bathroom redo $270.

What do you think?
Definitely presentable to our guests.

Does anyone have an opinion about mixing hardware?

I go back and forth with this.
I hate when things are too matchy matchy.
I love the cottage look of mixing it up a little.
I tried it here as you can see without getting too crazy mixing the different finishes.
Throughout our house the light switch covers and plug in covers are all the brushed bronze.
I think that is part of the key for me, keep it consistant.
I pulled in the brushed bronze with the light fixture as well.
Then added pops of nickel in the vanity knobs which left me able to
save the faucet instead of changing it out and saving $ while keeping the vanity consistant again
and lastly adding the nickel towel bars pulls the two finishes onto the walls.

I’d love to hear your thoughts on mixing hardware finishes.
I’m contemplating these options in our next house
(even though we are not even started yet) too and I really want
to make sure I pull it off right throughout the house.
Especially the bath and kitchens.

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Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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  1. I think as long as you’re consistent, you can mix finishes and it looks good. Like you said, you don’t want to be too matchy-matchy! I love the freshness of the white cabinets in contrast to the paint color.

  2. Your bathroom looks gorgeous!!…LOVE it!!…what a great paint color you chose…thx for sharing the name…I recently painted our 1963 bathroom and what a difference…also, just posted our kitchen reno ( painted)…pls. come on over and check out both posts……you did a great job!…enjoy your new space. Happy Holidays, Mariaelena

  3. Did you actually paint the countertop? We’re remodeling right now and I can’t pick a color because I just hate the yellow tint to the countertop. Please let me know what you did to fix it

    1. Hi Brenna! This was a guest post so if you’ll head over to the guest’s blog (linked at the top of the post) then she can answer your questions! Thanks!

  4. Love that wall color too! Ive been looking for a color like that. I cannot find a color on Behr’s site called “Granite Grey”. There is one called “Dark Granite” that looks very similar. Any idea?

    1. Hi Melissa! This isn’t my bathroom, so I’m not really sure. You can click over to the original blog, linked toward the top of the post, and ask there for more details, though. Sorry I’m not more help!

  5. inhave a bathroom that has mixed metals due to a half remodel job from previous owners… And I really like the bronzed finishes, and it looks great! I think it grounds the space and looks amazing, loves yours too!

  6. Haha it looks great and you’ll not believe it but I just did the same cabinet! I did mine in grey and we got a new inexpensive sink and faucet” it looks so much better.