Friday Favorites: Awesome Building Plans

You Can Build Some Pretty Amazing Furniture Or Decor Pieces. We Are Sharing Some Amazing Awesome Building Plans Featured As Part Of Friday Favorites Featured On

Happy Friday! It’s time to share some great inspiration! Are you ready for these gray skies to turn into spring yet? I am! I want to get back outside and have some fun. I want to get building, we’ve been working on some projects and are loving so many other awesome building plans. Especially ones that work double duty, transform or are just plain cool! And as always let’s have a little laugh at the end.

Beautiful Hanging Basket Ideas A Piece of Rainbow

Favorite Spring Idea: Let’s start out by chasing aways those gray skies with these gorgeous Hanging Basket ideas from A Piece of Rainbow. Start planning and dreaming of flowers! I know I am!

Basement Playhouse Build Tinyhouse Toy Room Final Pic

Favorite Play House: I am ready for Amy from Her Tool Belt to adopt me! She created this AMAZING Indoor Tiny House Playhouse. I really can’t believe the attention to detail. Be sure to check out all the awesome details.

Sliding Barn Door Loft Bed 2 1

Favorite Cool Bed: Jen from The House of Wood created this awesome bed! What kid wouldn’t love this Sliding Door Bed complete with a ladder and hang out area underneath. This would be so fun to customize.

DIY 2x4 Bar Stool And Step Ladder Combo Hoosier Step Stool Building Plan #remodelaholic

Favorite Double Duty Build: We recently shared this cool Bar Stool to Step Ladder build. If you are going to build something, it may as well be a double duty builds. They offer twice the awesomeness.

Convertible Coffee Table Turns Into A Full Size Table For Eating Or Game Night Reality Daydream 768x576

Favorite Way to Hide a Dining Table: Reality Daydream, dreamed up this cool Convertible Coffee Table to Dining Table. Perfect for when you need extra space for guests. Again that dual purpose is so useful.

Favorite Storage Bench: This bench goes above and beyond by adding storage drawers underneath. Perfect for storing gloves, hats, scarves and more.

DIY Custom Walk In Closet Before And After, Pink Little Notebook Featured On #Remodelaholic

Favorite After: A builder basic closet doesn’t have to be blah. When it’s time for a Closet Makeover, this one will really went for it and we love how light and bright it turned out.

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Favorite Awesome Outdoor Build: If you are still itching to get outdoors, like I am. Maybe a project like this beautiful Outdoor Movie Screen will distract you until it’s warmer.

Twin Sleeper Chair Easy Diy Project

Favorite Guest Bed: Another great way to keep an extra place to sleep hidden. A Chair to Twin Sleeper Build! Ana White does it again with another fabulous building plan that is useful even when guests aren’t staying over.

Table Saw Workbench @Remodelaholic 4

Favorite Workbench: We absolutely love our Table Saw Multi-Use WorkBench. It has so much to offer and make it so much easier for us to build, work and create.

Favorite Secret: Kitchen Island… think again it is a hidden room! Such a cool idea. What would you hide in yours?

Now let’s get out a few laughs, it is the weekend after all!

I Don't Know Who Needs To See This, But Don't Forget To Cancel That Free Trial Before They Charge Your Card Meme

I saw this just in time! Subscription services are so great, but make sure you watch them carefully. If you aren’t using them they can just become an unnecessary expense!

Every Time We Try To Eat Healthy Along Comes A Tuesday To Ruin It Meme

Today Friday is going to ruin us, I think it goes along perfectly with this one too: Healthyunhealthy Groceries Meme

Oh and this one:

Chips And Salsa Meme

Chips and salsa get me every time! So delicious.

And for those days when you plan in advance, the crock pot is a beautiful thing!

A Little Known Fact About The Baby Toe Meme

Last, but not least, watch out where your sticking that little toe. Finding all that furniture hurts!

We hope you have a great weekend and we can’t wait to share more great inspiration with you next week for Friday Favorites!

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I'm Emily and I share my ideas to celebrate and create over at The Benson Street.

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