Fall Party Ideas for Kids

For some, planning a kid’s party is an exciting endeavor that sparks the imagination and gets the creative juices flowing.  For others, it’s a dreaded, necessary evil that makes them cringe.  Either way – no problem!  Get your fall party ideas here, with a couple treat, snack and activity ideas for that you can either implement or simply use as a springboard for inspiration.

If the timing works to incorporate Halloween – do it!  There’s an abundance of creative ideas surrounding this fun holiday.

Easy and Inexpensive Kids Fall Party Ideas via Tipsaholic.com #fall #kidsparty #ideas #halloween

Easy and Inexpensive Kids Fall Party Ideas via Tipsaholic.com

Treat: Check out this Mummy Oreo Pop Tower.

These are Candy Quik coated Oreos and honestly, the messier you make the mummy wrap the better!  For more information on how to make these and create this tower click here.

Snack: These Mummy Dogs are the perfect snack and super easy

Mummy Dogs

Activity: It doesn’t get any cheaper and easier than a roll of toilet paper!  Just have the kids pair up and see which team can ‘mummify’ their partner the fastest!

If a Halloween theme isn’t an option, go more traditional with pumpkin.

Treat: Pumpkin Spice Whoopie Pies with Nutella Frosting (yes please!).  Just try saying ‘whoopie pie’ to your kids and not get a smile out of them.  They’ll love it.

Pumpkin Spice Whoopie Pies with Nutella Frosting

Recipe Here

Snack: Keep it super simple and roast pumpkin seeds with different spices!  Make some sweet, some savory.   For more snack ideas check out this post on 20 great pumpkin recipes.

Activity: Build a pumpkin man.  Head to the thrift to find some scarves, hats and whatever else strikes your creativity (or if you’re the anti-creative type, let your kids pick out the accessories). Three pumpkins, a marker and your set!  Check out this post for inspiration.

There you have it.  Now go forth and party!

Author: Jennifer Faris is a photographer, writer, mom of 3 littles and wife to a rock star (at least in her eyes). You can see more of her work at www.jenniferfaris.com and follow her on FacebookPinterest,Instagram.

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