Dining Room Review and Reveal

Well after installing the bamboo shades, there were just a few loose ends to wrap up!


I want to show you a quick review of our dining room updates we’ve done so far.

Before (from the walk through while buying the house)

Dining Room (1)

Dining Room (3)

New Lighting and Hanging Drapes:


Installing columns in the living room!  That effects the dining room a bit.


Hutch Transformation (Part 1, Part 2 and Final Reveal)



Installing New Bamboo Shades:


And here we were:


We still needed to finish the crown around the column wall, and technically the original plan included adding crown all around the whole dining room, but that had to wait, since we were running short on time and cash.

After photographing the dining room with these yellow flowers, I also fell in love with the idea of little pops of yellow throughout the downstairs space, so I changed out the pillows in the wicker chairs. and added a bunch of yellow pieces to the hutch, among other things.

Dining Room updates bamboo shades-bench-wicker chairs white hutch blue and yellow (3) Dining Room updates bamboo shades-bench-wicker chairs white hutch blue and yellow (5) Dining Room updates bamboo shades-bench-wicker chairs white hutch blue and yellow (4)

I love all the texture that the room had.  The wood, wicker, bamboo, rug, tile, throw pillows and even the draperies the whole space had a lot of visual interest without a lot of pattern.

We also needed something to ground the table, a good rug.  I had a heck of a time finding a rug in time.  So disclaimer, the rug we used is fine and it worked well with the living room rug, but it was not my favorite piece of rug of all time.

Dining Room updates bamboo shades-bench-wicker chairs white hutch blue and yellow (8)

Dining Room updates bamboo shades-bench-wicker chairs white hutch blue and yellow (7)

Dining Room updates bamboo shades-bench-wicker chairs white hutch blue and yellow (9) Dining Room updates bamboo shades-bench-wicker chairs white hutch blue and yellow (10) Dining Room updates bamboo shades-bench-wicker chairs white hutch blue and yellow (12) Dining Room updates bamboo shades-bench-wicker chairs white hutch blue and yellow (2)

What do you think of our dining room updates?  We were really happy with the space!

Dining Room updates bamboo shades-bench-wicker chairs white hutch blue and yellow (11) 

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Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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  1. I LOVE the dining room table on an angle – great idea! The colors are gorgeous and I’m loving all the textures! This is beautiful. It looks cozy and inviting, and all that natural light pouring in is fabulous! Great job!

  2. I love what you’ve done! This house wouldn’t happen to be in the Austin area would it? We are looking for a house to buy here shortly! =)

  3. LOVE IT! Everything looks gorgeous! I love how you have the table on an angle. The hutch/china cabinet is fabulous in white and you have it accessoried just perfectly! It looks wonderful! You should be so proud of your beautiful space! Wishing you a wonderful weekend! Angie xo

  4. Wow, I love this post with all of the details, great pics and (but, of course!) the final results. One of the good things about the gradual reveal and the abundance of pics was that I somehow missed the bench. What a great combo and unexpected pop of color. As for the rug? I like it! Congrats!

    1. Carla! THANK YOU! Don’t you love that bench? Technically I need to refinish it, they are over 80 years, old and they are showing their age, but I guess that isn’t a bad thing!

  5. It looks fabulous! You did such a great job!, love the colors especially pop of yellow in your white cabinet which are a compliment of your blue curtains, I love getting ideas from you!

  6. I’ve been reading your blog for a long time and it never ceases to inspire me. But my favourite posts are those about your very own transformation, which are usually spectacular, clever and simple (I mean we could redo it). This dining-room is now very welcoming. And I adore what you’ve done with the kitchen!

  7. I love how your dining room turned out. The bamboo shades, area rug and wicker chairs give such texture and warmth to the space. Great job, no wonder you guys love it.

    1. Thanks! Did you get your rug at Home Depot!? That is were I got mine it was a great price too! And yes, that is what I love about the yellow too. I my experience yellow is such a happy color, it really brightens up the space!

  8. Cassity, let me first say I love your name…my 3rd oldest name is Cassidy too! 🙂 Anyway, I love your color scheme in the dining room and I’m looking for drapes for mine in the same shade. Where did you purchase them? Or did you make them? Please let me know. Thanks! Kelly

  9. That is gorgeous. There is so much more light and warmth and depth in there now, more of the good stuff. I applaud D.I.Yers and feel everyone should attempt to make their home theirs and not just a standard home. You have inspired my inner designer.

    Thank you,

  10. Hi-Do you list where you purchased the items in your kitchen? Rugs, bench, pillows, tale decorations. Just beautiful!

  11. My husband and I are in the process of fixing up our old house. I found your website and absolutely LOVE what you guys have done. The before and after pictures are incredible…what a change! We were looking at the woodwork, columns and moldings especially. Do you have any tips, tutorials on how you did any of these?

  12. love it! Want to ask you where you found the rug in your family room. It is gorgeous! It is in one of the pictures you showed of the dining room. Thanks