Bathroom Organization Ideas

Are you ready to pinch some pennies?  Today I’m back with more ideas for making your home a better place without spending a ton of money.  I’m focusing on thrifty organization projects this month.  And I want you to throw in your two cents, too!  At the bottom of this post, you’ll find a linky button.  Use it to link up to share any and all of the projects you’ve completed in the last year that helped you be more organized….especially if you did them without spending a lot of money.  If the Organization Fairy has been to your house, I want to know about it!  Show us how she left your spaces better than she found them:  closets,  cupboards, toys pantries, garages…every spot in your house is fair game.  Later this month, I’ll feature some of the projects that really caught my attention.

On your way down to that linkup, feel free to check out some of the terrific ideas for organizing one of the spaces in a home that can be one of the quickest to get unorganized: the bathroom.  With limited space in the typical bathroom, there’s not always a lot of built in or available storage.  It takes a lot of imagination to squeeze in all of the towels, hygiene items, extra toilet paper, styling irons, cleaning supplies, and other essentials into the room.  Here are some great ideas for making every inch count.

Bathroom Organization Pin Pic

Bathroom Organization Ideas:

Suite Revival spice rack styling storage

Ikea spice racks used to hold hairstyling products from Suite Revival

BHG back of door storage

Handy back of the door storage from Better Homes & Gardens with project plans here at Remodelaholic

Imperfect Homemaking cupboard door organizer

DIY pocket organizer for sink cabinet at The Complete Guide to Imperfect Homemaking

Pretty Handy Girl under sink organized

Under the Sink Storage by Pink Toes and Power Tools featured at Pretty Handy Girl

Pregnant with Power Tools under sink organized

More storage solutions for under the sink at Pregnant with Power Tools

Rachel Denbow wine crate shelves

Handy shelves made from wine crates at Rachel Denbow

Designed to Dwell floating shelves

Floating shelf tutorial from Designed to Dwell featured at Remodelaholic

Pregnant with Power Tools inner wall storag

Using unused wall space for storage from Pregnant with Powertools featured at Remodelaholic

BHG bucket on a hook

Bucket hanging on the wall from Better Homes & Gardens {perfect for bath toys!}

320 Sycamore bathroom magazine racks

Organized and pretty bathroom at 320 Sycamore.

Family Handyman curling iron holsters

Holsters for curling irons from PVC Pipe at Family Handyman

Superwoman bobby pin storage

Great way to store bobby pins at Superwoman

Aren’t those great ideas?  Now it’s time to share your organizing tips, tricks, and projects.  Link up below, and don’t forgot to stop and visit some of the other links.  Pin and share the linkup with your friends on Pinterest, too.

Organization Linkup Pin Pic

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  1. Wow, I thought my bathroom was somewhat organized until I read this post! Now I have some motivation to get back in there and re-do some stuff!

  2. That “shoebag in the bathroom cabinet” idea is brilliant! I actually just did that in my own bathroom, but hadn’t ever seen anyone else do that!!!

  3. This article really inspired me! I have a small bathroom that needs a complete re-do. It lacks storage and is about as bare bones as you can get, but yet it is expected to serve 3 people. Thank you so much for the simple creative tips! It was a fresh perspective. If you look in the right places like goodwill, thrift centers, garage sales, or friends who are purging you can find all the materials fairly inexpensively!