Bright White Home Office



Check out how a bright white home office room can make a beautiful, clean and refreshing space to work in.



Submitted By: A Place 2 Call Home


I am a 27 year old wife and stay at home mother. I blog for my own sanity. I became really obsessed with design when my husband and I first moved in together, a whole new world was opened up to me. Now that I am a stay at home mom, I really focus on cleaning, organizing and decorating my home. I love reading about all things home related, and so naturally after years of reading blogs, decided to start my own.

Yesterday I wanted to show you my office in all its glory, but today I’ll be going through the pictures one more time and telling you all the details.

I’m really excited about this dresser. It was white, but I painted it Nimbus Cloud by Martha Stewart, it was left over paint from our bedroom makeover. The lamp was in my attic with the chalkboard. I painted it grey on the frame and the blue from my desk. Origninally I was thinking of painting the dresser in that blue, but I wanted the desk to be special and I didnt want it to be too matchy matchy.

I thought this was a cute way to add in a little punch of green.

I got the basket, the moss rocks and the magnifying glass from my attic

I switched out the 2 skinny billy bookcases for this one, because I want the whole piece to stay together. So the 2 bookcases are now in the hallway.

I added this little basket which was in my attic, but everything I just took from the bookcases

I plan to do a little project with closepins, and for some reason I just like looking at them.

And here is this side of the room all together.

My blue desk. In behr distance. The walls are behr ultra pure white, and the bottom is an oops paint. The desk was $1 from habitat for humanity. The little silver tray on the desk was $8 from Ikea. And the white frame was also $5 from Ikea

The rug was $77 from Wayfair.

The shelves are Ikea Lack glossy grey $17 each

All accessories I already owned, and found in my attic

I am particulary smitten with this area. The desk was $66 from Ikea, the frames were from Ikea for $5 each.

These metal boards I thought would just be perfect for organizing my ideas and inspiration. They were $12.50 each

This yard stick I found in my attic, its vintage and has marks on it, and I love it. I added it to the desk to make a little modern vintage baby. I put it on with scotch tape at first to see if I liked it, and then when I did just added mounting putty. I prefer not to hot glue it so I can change my mind, or change it up, but I love it.

And the light. I changed out our kitchen lights here, and I bought the wrong lights at Ikea, so you know me, I just made it work. And then I realized if I put one of those new old bulbs in it, it could look really cool by itself. Well I am just in love with it.

I had this old crate but I hadnt really found a home for it yet.

The little clock is so cute and vintage looking upclose it was from Ikea for like $6. And my 1,2,3 jars were $2 from Christmas Tree Shop

I love it. And the grand total for everything was $246


Make sure to have a look-see at these lovely office spaces!

DNICraftRoom1office (1) - CopyHappyroost_ studio 2

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Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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  1. I never find things like that in my attic! Of course I don’t have an attic but that isn’t the point.:) I love what you did!