Adorable Baby Blue Nursery

Submitted by Live On Lyford


Our sweet baby boy turned 8 weeks old today!!!

It is just crazy how quickly the weeks have passed.

This room posed quite a few challenges.

First challenge the room only has two full walls.

It also has no natural light!

Here is what I came up with.

This is what you see at the top of the stairs.

The print is compliments of Lay Baby Lay.

It’s the quote made famous in the 50’s “Babies don’t keep”

Here is the first view of the room.

(from the top stair)

This bedding was truely a labor of love.

I might be adding a monogram to the bumper, and in our next home I will add more pattern with drapes.

Here is the view of the wall the crib is on.

We had a blast making the whale, mobile and adding our own upholstery touches.

I have a small sailboat print still needing to be framed and hung over the chair on the right.

Will post a picture once that is hung soon.

Love his monogram!!

The prints were purchased on Etsy.

And the seahorse is from ZGallerie!!

Here are the diaper pins from AC’s nursery, and this is the toy storage nook next to the closet.

This is the half wall leading up the stairs.

This was my changing table and we were able to use it for baby girl and now for C.

And one last look.

Thanks for letting me share!

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I am the husband of the amazing Cassity of Remodelaholic. I love to problem solve and to design and build things inside and outside the house to make life better. I am a professional Landscape Architect by trade and love the outdoors.

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