Remodeled Master Bathroom With Tile and Glass Shower

Remodeled Master Bathroom With 
Tile and Glass Shower
contributed by Mama Schell Says…

Part I

About a month ago, I noticed a wet spot on the wall in our master bathroom. It was about 3 inches in diameter right where the glass shower door meets the wall. My husband and I were a little worried about mold, so we knew that we needed to do something about it…and soon!

My hubby had planned a week of vacation for himself this week, so last week he decided that he would tackle this project while he was off. The first conversation that we had about it was just talking about repairing the drywall and resealing the door to prevent further leaks. The next day we talked a little more and decided that maybe we would instead take apart the shower and tile the shower like we had always wanted to…

But instead this is what happened…

Yep…everything except the tub came out and we, or I should say my hubby is, changing it all! New shower, new floors, new pedestal sinks, new tub surround, new mirrors and light fixtures. We are going with the whole shebang!

So far my hubby has stripped the shower down to the studs, replaced the drywall in the shower and tub surround with concrete board, taped and mudded the new board, and he has built a shower pan from scratch. Tomorrow has the first of the tiling on the schedule…and if everything goes well he should be done by the end of the weekend!

I will post updates as we progress!

Part II

So, I guess that my timeline was a little bit off…it’s Friday night and my hubby is only just finishing up on tiling the shower, so I my estimate of being done by the end of the weekend is probably wrong. I would now say that maybe we will be done by Memorial Day(?), but that might just be a little too tight also…we will have to see. 😉 

On the other hand, what is done looks absolutely wonderful! My hubby, might be methodical at his tile work, but I will have to say that everything is absolute perfect. If anything, my hubby puts his all into whatever task is at hand, and he makes sure that it is done correctly. He doesn’t like to have to come back and fix mistakes, so he makes sure that it is done right the first time. I have started to notice this tendency in my son now also…when he plays with his cars they all have to line up just right, when he helps me to put away his clothes they all have to be in the correct place and when he is doing an art project everything is straight and even. That is definitely something that he gets from his daddy…I am the exact opposite. I am more creative, emotional and a little more scattered in my thoughts and how I approach life. I think that is why my husband and I work so well…we balance each other out!


Here are a couple of photos of the progress so far…please cross your fingers that we can finish it up quickly!

And here is my favorite part so far…the shower floor. I just LOVE this tile!


Part III
It has been a long month since we started on our master bath remodel, but the wait was definitely worth it! It turned out absolutely beautiful.

My husband worked so hard on it (working every day that he had off and before or after his shifts at work) and did all of the work himself. (Except for installing the glass on the shower.) There were a few little hiccups along the way–like the 5 gallon bucket sized hole that the original builder left under the shower pan–but he did such a great job. We estimate that by doing all the work ourselves and using the supply discount offered at my work that we saved roughly $10,000!

Here are some before and after photos of the remodel:

The old vanity, double sinks and plain large mirror.

The new tiled floor & wall, separate mirrors & lights and new pedestal sinks. 

The old shower, complete with frosted glass and a cultured marble surround.

The beautiful new seamless glass enclosed, tile shower.

I am just so happy with the results. I told hubby that I think it looks like something out of a magazine! While it was hard work, it is nice to know that we saved a lot of money doing it ourselves and I think that we will appreciate it more knowing that WE did it all by ourselves!

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Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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  1. >Wow, what an amazing transformation! I love that shower!!!

    I agree with you….in a magazine!! Hard work rocks!!


  2. >Congratulations to your husband on a well done beautiful job on your bathroom. It looks so beautiful. That is what home owning is all about!

  3. >You are a lucky lady!!! The layout of your bathroom is very modern and perfect for putting in a glass shower. Before the bathroom looked like the builder special and now it's SO beautiful.

  4. >AMAZING!!!! It looks just like it came out of a magazine! The new tile is a nice warm color and the new hingless door system is to die for! Love it! Congratulations on your new bathroom! Great job!
    P.S. The tile on the shower floor is beautiful!!!

    1. This was a guest post, so if you click on the link at the top of the post it will take you to the authors original blog! Good luck with your project!