Mini Makeover- Jewelry Box; Guest

Charity at All Things Beautiful has done, well,  a Beautiful job on this tiny piece of furniture.  

So I was out thrifting once again… and always wanted a jewelry box with compartments so I could have my “jewels” all nicely organized and separated.  As of now, they are all tossed in one box and I end up shaking them to hopefully allow the one I want to fall out of the crowd.  So I came upon this box for $5.99 and thought “Okay, this has different compartments.  I’ll get it!”  Hmm, not enough compartments though.  But once again my daughter was going to a friends birthday party (3 weekends in a row -it’s no wonder I thrift shop!) and decided to do up this little box for her friend.

Here is what it looked like when I bought it.  And $5.99 is pricey for this mess of a thing, but it has cute form!  And potential!!!
I primed it.
I thought a nice sunny yellow colour would look great and fun for a young girl.  The spray paint I used is actually called sunny yellow.  It also had a wind up music player in the back missing the turn knob, so I had one I saved from my daughters broken toy with the song from Sleeping Beauty: “Once Upon a Dream”  I love that song… “I know you I walked with you once upon a dream…”  Are you singing along with me?  
Okay, here is what the lovely lady looks like now:
Whoo hoo, look at that leg!
She has inner beauty as well!  What a fun blue!
Cute handles too!
Well, I think she turned out pretty.  And summery!!  She was almost too cute to give away.  Are you a fan of yellow?  What a way to brighten up a room!
So Cute!  I looks like a piece of 
furniture for a doll house, 
and I wish it were my doll.
How do you like it?
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Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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  1. >That jewelry box is SO super-cute! Can't wait to see more of your projects! 🙂 Thanks for the follow, and I'm following you right back! 🙂

  2. >Oh I am so in love with this! It looks so much like my own dresser, now I'll be on the hunt for one too. The blue velvet is perfect with that yellow. I bet the lucky girl who gets this will be thrilled.

  3. >That's adorable. I love you work. This is my new favorite blog. NOT even kidding. What kind of paint do you use?

  4. >That is adorable, I would have kept it for myself. I like yellow, esp. with blue and white. I had a yellow and white bedroom growing up, this would have been a favorite item of mine back then! For all my "jewels"!
    Have a great weekend.
    Heidi – Heart and Home

  5. >This is absolutely adorable! I've never seen a jewelry box like this! You sure did punch her up with that happy yellow color! I love it.
    You're just too good!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia 😉

  6. >Well shoot that just turned out to be the cutest thing. I would have never thought of painting it a bold color like that. I just love it and the blue lining really pops. What a lucky girl to receive this.

    Have a fun weekend. Hugs…Tracy 🙂

  7. >Thanks so much for showing off my jewelry box. Now I really wish I had of kept it because I have been looking for another since for my daughter, but they are not as cute as this.

    Thanks again!!

  8. >Oh MY gracious!!! I am SOOO in love with this! I love all things yellow but this is a special treasure!! I have a yellow chair that matches exactly I found at a second hand store!! Beautiful job on this project!