House Tour With Master Bedroom and Kids Room

House Tour With Master Bedroom and Kids Room
contributed by Jacqui @ A Novel Mum
I can hardly believe we’ve only been in this house two weeks.  It’s crazy how much has changed already.  Oh and when I said that my list of troubles for the week had ended I spoke too soon.  Right after I posted that my car battery went completely dead and had to be booked in for service.  But things have a way of working out and yesterday we received news from our lawyer that our bank had made an error and where should they send the cheque!  Bank error… in your favor, why that only happens in Monopoly.
I think that today may be the first day in three weeks that we don’t have a contractor here.  Our beloved cats were returned to us from their hiatus at my parents.  We had a terrific weekend with friends and family and actually had people over.  My best friend is coming down soon.  Things are looking up.
On with the tour you say…
To save you a few clicks I’ll post the before of the master bedroom for you.  
This was also the room that we left off the painters list so that we could do the board and batten technique I kept seeing around the web.  Later we tried to add the painting back on their agenda but NO luck.  “We’re busy”  they said, snickering as they left.  So although we did finish the main bedroom before we moved in, we were still painting the closet and the ensuite last week.  Thank goodness it’s all done and hopefully I can burn my painting supplies.
Here is the master bedroom now.  
I think it’s my favorite room.  
A surprise hit.  
Off to the right is our walk UP closet.  
I didn’t think it would be a big deal but can I just say,

And yes, that’s my wedding dress hanging there because,
I unpacked it along with the plethora of other dresses I don’t wear and it just looked so gorgeous
hanging there.  I decided to leave it.  
It was one of the best days of my life and I want to see it.
And that picture on the right,
it’s also one of my favorite things. 
It’s a custom print of the night stars and sky over the place where Daryl proposed.
Underneath are the dates and the words 
“Yes, yes, a thousand times yes”.
I’m so glad it’s in my room now.  Who knew seeing it every morning would make me so 
Through that glass door is a private balcony.  My plan is to create a secret little garden.
But first my plan is to create a not-so-secret garden out of the rest of our
barren acreage.
My Dad made the rotating shelves/mirror on the right.
Still loving it.
Best. Dad. Ever.
The bathroom,
The hall.  You’ve seen the view looking down from here before.
The foyer/hall and access to both the laundry room and another private balcony soon to become the girl’s secret garden.
I still can’t find the stuff to fill this shelving unit.  
Where do these things go when you move?
Oh and I have a story about this glass door to the laundry room.
I sent in a request to a local vinyl decal maker to reproduce something I’d seen from a place in the states. 
I want a sign that says Laundry Room with a cute little bird on it.
I didn’t order because I didn’t want the hassle of bringing it through customs and such.
Anyhow, I asked if she could do it, she said, sure but why not just order from where you saw it.
Hmm.  I didn’t write back but um…
if someone contacts your business to do work, wouldn’t you just offer to do it unless you really didn’t want the job.
So, OK, local vinyl person, I WILL use that other company now and for any future purchases.  
And last but not least…
the girl’s room.
I still haven’t put in the optic fiber ceiling but I did crawl up there to look yesterday.
Hopefully this weekend will see the ceiling installed and the finishing touches on this room.
Yes, that’s a tiger.  
Veronica has slept the majority of nights on her old mattress underneath the house, but has slept up top as well.  I think she loves the privacy of the top bunk.
It’s all working out swimmingly.
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Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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  1. >Your house is just beautiful. That bedroom is so peaceful… what a great retreat!!!

    Thanks for sharing your lovely home!


  2. >Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful… Your room is the kind I would love to spend all day in. It's peaceful, calm and most of all free of clutter. You kept your furniture items thoughtful and simple. Love it!!! Also the girls room is to die for. Where did you manage to find a bunk bed like that? Every lil girl's dream come true. You get mommy of the year award.

  3. >You guys are awesome! Thanks for all the nice comments.

    Banclothing: the bunkbed was actually a find on kijiji (like craigslist). I had seen them on csn stores and was surprised to find one used. The girls love it…even better though is the optic fiber star ceiling we put in later. They love love love their bedroom. It makes up for the fact that they are sharing a room.

    A Novel Mum

    Here's the link to the optic fiber post

  4. >The color in your room and your girls room is amazzzzing!! I looove it! Could you please email me the name and brand? I'm so JEALOUS! I would never leave my room if I had this!
    Thank you!

  5. >IT's AMAZING!!!! Fabulous job…a perfect master retreat!! I've been looking the for perfect gray for my bedroom as well, would you mind sharing the name of the color with us?? Thanks so much!!!! 😀

  6. >I would also love to know the color you painted your master bedroom. I'm in love with it! Although, I don't normally like to copy others' ideas, I think I may have to steal this one. Does that really count as stealing if we don't know each other and will never be in one another's homes? 😉

  7. >WOW!!! I LOVE what you have done to your master bedroom! I, too, would love to know the color of paint you used! Also, the lamps are gorgeous. Would you be willing to share where you found them? Thank you, for inspiring me!!!