Dress Up Your Entry With A Plant and Candles

Dress Up Your Entry With A Plant and Candles

contributed by Cassie @ Hi Sugarplum!

You guys are awesome!! I really appreciate your opinions on the monogram yesterday! It’s got me fired up to make some serious progress in her room makeover this weekend. I got a little sidetracked on the Entrance Hall last weekend. 

If you’ve been reading Hi Sugarplum! for awhile, this is deja vu. I did a Before & After Reveal on my Entrance Hall here, but it still didn’t feel quite finished. 

foyer after 3

Too cold and bare for my overdone taste. 

So first I brought the candle sticks back in and Pizz-Azzed them with jute:


Then I found this big, yummy plant and loved the color it brought to the space:


Nice pot. I haven’t been able to find anything to put it in that’s what she said ….which might be because I don’t know what I’m looking for yet. So I cheaped cheated and grabbed this shelf liner and my glue gun:


(I had every intention of using this on actual shelves, but that was 9 months ago…so I think it’s fair game for another project at this point.)

A little nip, tuck and glue later…I had the Joan Rivers of fake pots:


(I don’t intend for this to be a long-term fix, which means it will be.)

I think it’s not too bad (how’s that for a glowing review?!)…and I like the texture and pattern, especially against the zebra print.

planter collage

Here is my warmer, completed Entrance Hall now:


Here’s a little time lapse of the makeover:

entrance hall collage


I love all the light my DIY mirror reflects:


Read about the process of painting my doors black here, and see all the rugs I considered here:



The door on the left leads to my pink coat closet:


I think I’m ready to move on from this room now…what do you think? Have a great weekend loves!

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Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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One Comment

  1. >Cassity, you're the best!! Thanks so much for picking up this project…you'd have to go back to the original entrance hall to see the really drastic before and afters…but the plant and candles give it the extra 'something' it needed.

    Love your blog and all the great and inspiring projects!
