Conversation Heart Specimen Art: Valentine’s Decor!

Well, if you blog, or like reading blogs, then chances are you have seen specimen art for different holidays for a while now.  But I haven’t ever made my own version… so way back in the beginning of January I bought 4 bags of conversation hearts… and there they have been, in the Walgreens bag on the top of the fridge ever since, way to jump on that Cass….

But I finally got to making one last night while watching Once Upon A Time…(tangent) which I love but is slowly loosing my interest due to lack of something actually happening, anyone else feel this way?  And what the heck is the deal with David telling his wife he wants to try and then cheating, it BUGS me!

Okay, back to the point at hand.

I crafted. 


Actually this is totally my second craft for Valentines… Ah-maze-za-zing, not to pat myself on the back, but I am proud of actually carrying out the whole plan, within a week of the valentine wreath getting finished.  I better not let this get to my head…  (and seriously don’t’ get used to this, or you may be in for disappointment… although, now I have 3 1/2 bags left of conversation hearts and another semi-clear idea of what I want to do with them… so hopefully I’ll be back to share more soon!)

Anyway, this project is super easy… I guess it could be embellished, but then again simple is better sometimes?  I almost added a red printed square (sort of like a matte) around the whole page of hearts, but then I didn’t, technically I forgot to do it before I started glue-gunning, whoops!  I am glad the project was simple (And holy cow, have you tried conversation hearts lately?  They are actually good, like flavored and not just sugar…)


Conversation hearts (preferably one color, or monochromatic pink, red, and throw in some white)

A shadow box type frame, (or a regular frame and some duct tape!)

**I got mine at Walmart it was a baby frame with a printed background and double glass for the look of a floating image above the background, it was about $6.00

Glue Gun

Cardstock background paper

Let’s begin!

To start, clean your glass and remove the old images. Cut your new background paper to size (use the old one as a template).



I organized my hearts by color, and found the best stamped ones.  Then I took a damp (almost dry washcloth and ran them over the top of the hearts.  This helped to remove any of the dust, and made the print pop out a little more.

3 Lay out your “specimens” in lines until you feel like they look good (you can measure this out if you like. 


 Hot glue them in place, onto your background paper.  (be very light with the glue or it squeezes out the sides, which you want to avoid!)


 I decided to feature one heart.  I used a larger heart (hence so many purchased bags!).  This way it would stand out to begin with, but then I took a red fine point sharpie, and outlined the words and filled in the stamped heart.

** NO I am not going to be eating these, and if you use a sharpie neither should you… this is art, not dinner.

IMG_0763 IMG_0764

 Put the background in place, close your frame and you are ready to display it!


Easy right!?!

The hard part was figuring out which way I wanted it on the table… I am not naturally into decorating, I’d rather be ripping out a wall.  So here are a few options.  **And don’t fault me for adding the Twilight books, this is not an homage to Edward (or how hot Jacob is in the movies, you can’t deny it?!).  I needed something black to balance out the black frame… and I figured they would work.

Which one do you think works best?


( I like that you can see the picture of Justin proposing and a random picture from our wedding breakfast that I love… in the picture above!)


I like how this is sort of more spread out… 


But I like the last layout best for the pop of blue, and who wouldn’t love a duck named Henry? (well, if you don’t, I do!)  Also it just feels more simple and less busy or messy for that matter!




 I would be so thankful if you pinned this project!

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Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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  1. This is SUPER cute! I love that you included one big heart…makes it a little different than all the other specimen art projects I have seen. I’m pinning this:)

  2. Yes, yes, the specimen art is very nice – but where did you find/make/get that red ruffly sphere thing? I love it!

    (and yes, I’ll pin your art.)

    1. Hey Windy! That was a project I never finished! It was going to be a topiary, but then I kinda just liked the ball. All it is is a foam ball form from a craft store. Then you need a ton of little 1 1/2 inch squares of fabric (I cut up an old thrifted wool skirt) and you stick a pin through the center of the square into the foam ball, then just fill it up!… I should see if I can find the pictures I made it two years ago and never posted about it! Could be a fun quick tutorial!


  3. Beau-ti-ful!! I love to combine blue & red 😉
    and THAT big red ball / topiary wannabe definitely caught my eye!!! Would love a tutorial!!

    For your layouts, it’s between the first one(because of your beautiful black&white photo on the left) and the last one(because of the super cute Henry!)… I’m pinning both pix for sure!
    Thanks for sharing!

    p.S: don’t laugh but the first time I saw the photo with Henri (not the close-up shot), I was trying to figure out what was written on his little tag… I thought it said: “my mommie is funny”… LOL I’m still laughing 😀

  4. I haven’t seen a Valentine’s Day one yet! Such a creative idea! I like how you went over your “standout” heart with a shapre. Love it 🙂 I’m your newest follower!
    Stay Crafty x0x0

  5. So cute! THanks for linking up to our party! Come visit me sometime and be sure to follow me. I am hosting my first linky party this Thursday and I would love to see you there!
    Stacey of Embracing Change

  6. I am not a decorator either but I like the second arrangement! But I would find a way to put that picture back in, it’s so fitting 😉
    I totally agree on Once Upon A Time! That bugs me too the way David handled that! They need to have something interesting happen soon.

  7. I have to adopt and adorable little duck like that! Ilike the name Jeffrey… I will start searching for my little Jeffrey!
    Super great idea! I wanted to do the same thing a few years ago… well, its still sitting in my craft box. One of hese days.