Turning Trash to Treasure Infographic

Turning Trash to Treasure InfographicIn this day and age, it is really easy to throw away everything. Big box stores make it easier to just go buy something new, but sometimes that isn’t always best for the environment or our wallets. Instead of always throwing everything away at the first break, try to fix or reuse it in some other way. Donate items rather than dispose of them and check out all these amazing ways to turn trash to treasure with these projects from Dustbox Cleaning Services.

Instead of always throwing everything away, try to fix or reuse it in some other way. Check out all these amazing ways to turn trash to treasure with these projects. Turning Trash to Treasure Infographic via tipsaholic.com #trash #resuse #upcycle #trashtotreasure

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I'm Emily and I share my ideas to celebrate and create over at The Benson Street.

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