Tuesday’s Tutorial Teaser: Before and After

Okay folks, are you ready for this?  I am posting a teaser for Tuesday March 16th’s Tutorial.  I know that is sorta mean, but I wanna work up some hype for this AWESOME project.  Cause I am telling you, I AM IN LOVE!  Wanna see the before and after?  Trust me, you do.


HINT** He didn’t buy new doors!!!
EDIT* I should clarify this is a friend’s house here in Fort Worth.  So while I wish I had them on my house, I don’t yet!  He has kindly offered to show his how to on our site.  Also, if any of you live in the Dallas/Fort Worth, TX area and would like this done on your home please feel free to contact Randy at randy@capellidesigngroup.com  or check out his website at www.capellidesigngroup.com

This whole project’s materials cost less than $500.00 dollars.
By the way, I will have a complete tutorial for you on this one.  
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Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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  1. >Hmmm … I like the new doors but would like them more painted white … will check back on Tues to see what was done!

  2. >Wonder if this would work on my broken door? We have STRONG winds up here and everyone's doors break because the wind is flexing the doors as they go down. We have screwed boards to the back of the doors to keep them straight, so this would kinda be the same thing right?

    Will definitely be watching for this!

  3. >Ashley- They do look great, awesome in fact, but they actually aren't min., They are our good friends! He did a great job!

  4. >Can't wait to see how he did this. My husband is very handy and so this could be the next project.
    P.S. Tell your hubby "Hi" from (Camie Wilson)me, I went to High School with him!

  5. >Didn't your Mama tell you it is not nice to tease? Just kidding…..love it and have forwarded it to a friend who needs her doors refaced. Yay! Thanks for sharing!!!!

  6. >I have wanted doors like this ever since we bought our place, but couldn't afford to buy them. Can hardly wait until the secret is revealed. 🙂

  7. >hmmm….now i want a garage 🙂

    are they going to paint or stain it? that would accentuate the craftsmanship, although, it rocks.


  8. >Hurry! I love this and want to know HOW 🙂 Also the taco meal sounds good. I e-mailed it to hubs (he is the cook 🙂 ) to make…

  9. >OMG… THANK You! Dave is going on his "guys" golfing trip this year and I'd love to try and get this done in a weekend. Easy.. right? Hehe… he might have to come home and finish it up.

  10. Now that the garage door has been up for a couple of years, how is it holding up? I’m wanting to take this project on, but was curious how it has held up over time. Anything you would do differently? Any insight would be greatly appreciated!