Tomorrow has come, Bathroom Remodel; Guest

This beautiful project was sent to me by Valerie of Until Tomorrow, Val  And they did a stunning job on their bathroom, check it out:
Bathroom Remodel
boy oh boy do i have a fun before and after for you today?!  after a loooooooooooooooooooooong wait and much hard work we have finally, and i mean FINALLY finished our upstairs bath.  
a few before photos…
yeah, we pretty much gutted the whole thing and started from scratch.  it was so gross too! very glad that part is over with!
and the after photos… 
good-bye peach walls and floral border!  hello, modest silver!
those shadow boxes?  courtsey of the hubby via scrap wood!
can you say f-r-e-e!
the mirror was the only thing from the original bath that we kept.  the hubby did a fantastic job framing it out didn’t he?! i wanted it to have a modern feel so we just framed the top and the bottom.  i love how doing that made the room feel even bigger. 
check out that vanity!  the talented hubby built that beauty too! man, i think he’s on a roll.  just wait he had a few more great ideas up his sleeve too.
and this faucet has to be one of my favorite things in here! 
this fabulous tile job was done by yours truly…the hubby!  first time ever laying tile and i just l-o-v-e how BIG the shower shelf is!
and how about that light and the gorgeous crown molding?!  that’s a trick the hubby has learned through the years.  take 3″ base turn upside down and nail flush against the wall a few inches from the ceiling.  then hang your crown as you normally would and it will just overlap the base a little.  caulk, paint, and ta-da you have super fancy molding at a fraction of the cost. 
and just incase you were wondering about this very cool piece?  click here.
of course i can’t forget how great the linen closet ties in with everything too! (full post here)  now you know why i needed all that organized storage.  well, i think that about sums up the upstairs bath.  i do hope you enjoyed the quick tour!
I LOVE the little nook in the shower, I have always wanted one of those! 
I also love the sink!  WOW!  
Great job guys!  What do you’all think?
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Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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  1. >I love the shower nook to! I especially like that it's wide enough for more than just a bottle or two! Looks great!