$10 Dresser to Media Center

Submitted By: A Wee Meenit

This weekend, our kids went to the country to see Grandma & Papa (my in-laws),
which gave my husband and I time to shovel out clean and rearrange the playroom down stairs.
I will have photos this week of the updated play room.
The TV down there sits on a very contemporary, glass TV stand that is not my taste. While driving my daughter to school one day last week I stopped at a garage sale.


I found this dresser (or buffet, we still don’t know what it started out life as). The price
tag said $10!!! It is SOLID wood and super heavy.


The top was really the only part of it that was kinda trashed. It had a cigarette burn, nicks, scuffs, gouges, and lots of areas that the varnish had worn off.


And this. Not sure what it is still. I took a palm sander and took the entire top down to bare wood.
I decided to just use a really dark stain & it wouldn’t matter. I used Rustoleum stain in Ebony.
It completely covered it!
I broke out the…
Yep! Annie Sloan Chalk Paint in Old White. 2 coats followed by some
light distressing and then a coat of ASCP Clear Wax.


I removed the hardware & sprayed them with Rustoleum Oil Rubbed Bronze. (LOVE that stuff!). I bought a spray on Poly for the top and the damn thing SPIT all over it! I just kept using it (cause I’m lazy like that), and figured that if I kept doing layers of spray, eventually the top would be covered with spits. It worked.
I am currently trying to convince my husband that we should keep this one in the living room for the TV there & move our current media cabinet down stairs. Either way, I love it!! So I think this $10 garage sale find was quite the deal huh??

If you like this post, please check out:

Side Table Transformation

White Washed Table Reveal

Ombre Painted Armoire Makeover

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Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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  1. Don’t you love the $10 & less finds that turn out this fantastic? Its like, I wish the previous owner could see it now, they would sooo want it back! – But I don’t want them to see it…..cause they would want it back! lol Anywho, awesome find, and I am jealous! It certainly is worth hundreds now! Good job.

  2. ah! I couldn’t even tell they were the same dresser! AWESOME TALENT!!!!!

    lets follow eachother! I just did a new review on a FREE PEOPLE opening!


  3. I love how it turned out in black and white, esp. with the orange pumpkin as a contrast on it. Congratulations on that cool find! I would probably not have had enough imagination to see this in the piece of furniture you bought. 😉 Do you grow corn in your driveway? 😉

  4. Thanks for all the love!
    I did want to take the dresser back to the owner and say ‘see what you missed out on!’
    (As for the corn on the walk way, it was decorations for fall, my husband just stuck them in the ground and tide them to a stake. Kinda like a corn
    Thanks Cassity for the feature!!

  5. Looks fab and what a deal! I want to do this same thing. You have a great eye, can I ask some advice? Our house has all wood trim and my hubby would freak if I suggested painting it. To appease us both, I want to start to bring in just some touches of the cottage feel. I have ASCP in Provence and Old White that I’m itching to use. I’m redoing a coffee table (Goodwill $15 – woot woot!). Leaving the top stained and will paint the bottom. Will do the same when I get a dresser to turn into media console. I want to do one in Old White, the other in Provence. We have medium green walls with a yellow undertone. Since everything else is wood, I thought doing the media console in Old White would be too stark so I was thinking of doing the coffee table that color. I’d do the dresser/media console the Provence. Do you think that would class against the wall color. Any advice would be appreciated!

  6. This has inspired me greatly!! What a gorgeous makeover! I want one just like it and will keep my eyes peeled for something similar that I can re-do. 🙂

  7. You’re a woman after my own heart <3 Love it and I've been looking for exactly that same piece to use as a media center. GoodWill, Habitat, etc. are great hunting grounds — you just have to be diligent and search, search, search. Your $10 investment was WELL WORTH IT. Great job on the finished piece.