How to Spring Clean Your Garage

Today we welcome Kelsey from Your Life Revamped to share how to spring clean your garage (mine needs it!). Give her a warm Remodelaholic welcome!

What comes to mind when the snow starts melting and we begin to feel the glowing rays of a hopeful sun? I hope your answer was SPRING CLEANING! It’s hard to believe that it’s time to start cracking your windows and storing your snow boots— give yourself a pat on the back for making it through the long winter season! Now it is time to emerge and begin the spring-cleaning process.

How to Spring Clean Your Garage (and keep it clean!) @remodelaholic

We are going to start in your garage. Remember, the primary function of your garage is to store your VEHICLES. If you have a hard time fitting your car into the garage, raise your hand! There are so many of us who let the garage become the main location to house storage (plus, find more garage organizing tips here). This month, let’s make room for both! Follow along:

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spring cleaning before @remodelaholic (1)

How to Spring Clean Your Garage

1-First off, let’ begin where we always do—de-junking! Proceed in gathering any unneeded items that have been taking up precious space and make your appropriate piles.


2-Next, stock up on my favorite bins from Walmart! They come in a huge variety of sizes, which is perfect for matching items in your garage.
awesome bins for organizing the garage from Walmart

3- Let’s begin to sort the items you’ve chosen to keep. Go through all of the items, categorizing carefully.
4- Get yourself a holder for your shovels, outside brooms, rakes and any other tools you use in your garage and home exterior. Amazon sells one that’s perfect and just one click away!

Organize mops and brooms inside, or shovels, rakes, and tools outside!

5-If you have bikes and scooters that you store in your garage, don’t be afraid to hang them from the ceiling or walls. For lighter items (scooters would fit this category), screws should be strong enough to get them off the ground for winter. Heavier bikes call for a sturdier bike hook. You’ll be shocked by how much space this frees up! It is actually better for your bike tires and will help to ensure your sanity when you’re free to roam without constantly tripping over pesky tires—and bicycles seem to accumulate in groups. For the whole lot of family bikes, Amazon has a great option at a reasonable price.

If you’re not worried about the floor space and want to keep the bikes easily accessible to kids, try a DIY bike rack like this! Get the full tutorial from The Heathered Nest here on Remodelaholic. 

Easy DIY bike rack tutorial to organize your garage NOW! via

6- Now that everything is off of the ground, make sure to do a thorough sweep and spray out your entire garage. Once you’ve lifted all of the dirt and gunk (yes, take the time to remove built-up stains and residue with the appropriate cleaning supplies), I promise it will feel like a weight has been lifted off of you!

spring cleanign after @remodelaholic (1) spring cleanign after @remodelaholic (2)


Let’s bring it inside, and give some attention to the mudroom! For those of you who don’t yet have a mudroom or designated space, remember that any space that’s tucked right inside your home, near the garage can be transformed into your mudroom.

This space can be a little more difficult because each home is so different. That’s ok! Each project is going to present a new challenge, and I urge you to create a space or transform what you’re working with into a functional space. Be creative! I’ll offer suggestions on bins to help in categorizing appropriate items for this space; however, it’s up to you to really make it your own. Make sure that whatever you implement really works for the entire family! Let’s dive in.

1. Think shoes first—keep the shoes you slip into often, as well as the ones that are go-to errand runners, right by the door in your favorite bin or basket. Check out my personal favorites on Amazon and

More shoe organizing ideas:
shoe storage and organization ideas via Remodelaholic

2. For backpacks, purses, and to-go bags, depending on your space, a nearby closet might be best for these items. If you’re going the creative route, find the best space on a nearby wall and get some sturdy hooks like this or this. Whenever I’m conceiving a new space, I always make sure to have these items as close to the door as possible. It keeps them out of the way and they’re always handy when you’re in a rush out the door.

3. If you have a large enough space, create an area to keep homework. Inside cubbies or shelving is a great option. I love these bins as well! In addition to homework, whether inbound or stored to remember on their way out, this is a great space for you children to keep their favorite papers from school and special art they would like to display.

Homework station ideas:
10 creative back-to-school homework stations,

4. If you have space leftover, I love installing lockers or something similar to a mudroom. It creates the perfect space for cleaning supplies, extra light bulbs, extra batteries, and your children’s electronics. The bins that fit above the structure are great for any of those items as well. The whole area will flow so much better and it eliminates the need to find random places for these items.

Need more inspiration? Over 100 great mudrooms (large and small!) here!Create an entryway you love with these 100+ Inspiring Mudrooms and Entryways at

Do your future self a favor as you continue on the journey to a blissful space and don’t cut corners! Feel free to email at with any questions- and if you liked this post remember I have an Organizing Subscription program where we do places like these each month, but included are some amazing printables to help with the process and videos to really understand! Go to to learn more and use code REMODELAHOLIC to get your first month free! Also follow me on Instagram @yourliferevamped for fun tips and tricks daily!

Happy Organizing!


More spring cleaning ideas:

How to Spring Clean With Kids
teaching kids how to help out for spring cleaningFall and Spring Cleaning ChecklistSeasonal Cleaning Checklist

Cleaning Printables to Keep You Organized
Best cleaning routine and checklist printables @Remodelaholic

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Lorene has been behind the scenes here at Remodelaholic for more than a decade! She believes that planning projects and actually completing them are two different hobbies, but that doesn't stop her from planning at least a dozen projects at any given time. She spends her free time creating memories with her husband and 5 kids, traveling as far as she can afford, and partaking of books in any form available.

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Cleaning Binder & Custom Cleaning Calendar

This 18-page editable cleaning binder printable pack will help you establish a cleaning schedule based on the custom tasks you actually need for your home. From the spring cleaning checklist to everyday cleaning recipes, this printable set is great for kick-starting a cleaning routine and staying on task with annual and semi-annual tasks, too.

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  1. I like to use clear bins so I don’t have to search through each bin to find what I’m looking for. But my problem is the “garage sale items”. Thing that are still good but I just don’t need any longer. I have a huge pile of garage sale items and I’m not even done cleaning things out. This pile is taking up the space I need to finish cleaning up my garage! I know I will find more garage sale items before I’m done so I hate to have a “sale” yet. I have a one car garage and have never put my car in it. What do I do now?