Spray Painted Fabric Pillows…

Sharon over at This Thrifty House sent me the greatest tutorial idea, check it out, Spray Painted Pillows?… 
Why YES, You may think by the title of this post that I have taken a trip to theLOONEY BIN!  That I have finally taken my spray painting obsession hobby just a littleTOO far! 
But wait till you see this:
Now are YOU a believer too?
I found THIS post over at V and Co (boy I love that gal–she has got CRAZY awesome taste and talent!  If you have not ever been to her blog–youMUST go DIRECTLY to her blog–after reading mine that is–and see all the awesome stuff she does!  Luv her!!) 
Anyhoo–She had this tutorial for spray painting up some awesome pillows.  And since I LOVE spray painting–and I also happen to be in the market for some pillows that I want for my living room and NOBODY on this planet seems to be selling what I want in pillow form OR in fabric!  (I decided to start on my outdoor patio pillows to practice first before I attempt the living room ones).  So I believe it was destiny that  we found each other I found her blog!  Now I can MAKE EXACTLY WHAT I WANT!!!  And for PENNIES!!!  Really once you start this process and see how easy it is…the possibilities are endless!
OK–so I am going to show you what I did to create MY new outdoor pillows.  I had just purchased these old ones at a garage sale–but thought that it could use something brighter out here. 
The black ones I think will look better in the winter. So I decided to make covers for these same pillows and then I can have a winter and a summer look!
So this is what I started with:


Some Freezer Paper
Some Spray Paint
Some White Cotton Fabric
Painters Tape
First I measured my 3 pillows and cut out the fabric in squares to match–mine happened to be 15″.  So I cute 3 squares at 15″ and then 6 of 15″ by 10″ for the backs (the 2 smaller pieces get overlapped in the back to create the opening for the pillow to go through).
Next I traced around different size cups onto the non shiny side of the freezer paper to get my circles for both my circle pillows. 
Then I cut them out and laid them onto my fabric to decide on the pattern.
(Sorry the next few pictures are SO BAD–I am still without my camera and relying on my phone camera in BAD lighting without a flash!!!  AAARRRGGG!!!!)
So for the first pillow I wanted a grid of circles–so I found the center of the square and pressed my first circle there SHINY SIDE DOWN (The shiny side is the GLUEY side) and then measured up an inch and added another circle.
Then I moved on to the next rows and did the same thing until the square was full. 
Then it was off to the garage for some paint!
Just regular spray paint–again–notice the spray painting trigger!  LOVE THAT THING!!
I applied 2 light coats–trying to keep it as even as possible.
When I thought it looked good–I just peeled off the freezer paper.
Then I sewed it up into a slipcover and now it looks like this:
Next I did the striped one using painters tape.
I just placed a clear ruler on top of my fabric and then followed the straight edge while laying down the tape every half inch. 
Because I wanted to try 2 colors–I then taped OVER every other whites space so that I could then paint those stripes a different color.
Then I spray painted the first color over all the white stripes.
Then I took off the second layer of tape and then repositioned it over the lines I just sprayed (once it had dried).  And then sprayed the second color over those lines.
When I took off the tape I realized that I must not have pressed the tape down well enough after I ripped off the tape after the first painting–because the second color bled through quite a bit. 
But after looking at it for about 2 seconds–I realized that I LOVED IT LIKE THAT!!!  The bleeding kind of gives it a fun water color look–which I think adds some dimension and whimsy–AND by loving it I don’t have to REDO it!!  (There are advantages to looking on the bright side of things when mistakes happen!)

And now it looks like this:

The third pillow was almost identical to the first–I just did the circles in a more random pattern and used different size circles.
Cut out the freezer paper circles.  Iron them on:
Spray Paint:
After a second coat–peel off the paper:
Make it into a pillow:
And THAT is how I made all of these BEAUTIES:
LOVE how they turned out!  And I LOVE how I can now have different pillows for the different seasons!  AND it only cost me a couple cans of spray paint–(which I didn’t even use that much, so I have lots left over for other fun projects!)
So in REVIEW:  Here You Have it:
My Winter Look:
My Summer Look:
I’ll just say this once again,
Those are just so cute!  
I think they turned out Lovely!  And it would be  a fun way to match up some colors on the cheap!
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Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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  1. >Okay, this is a totally awesome idea! One question though, does the paint make the fabric stiff and sticky like some fabric paints can do? Also, any ideas how they would do if you washed them? I have a two year old who is always getting sticky hands on stuff. 🙂 Anyway, love this idea!

  2. >Melissa–the fabric does become a bit stiff–so I wouldn't recommend spray painting a pillow that you sleep on–but it washes and wears just fine! I have washed mine in the washer and hung to dry and it came out fabulously! So if you don't mind a slightly stiffer fabric–I think it works great for a decorative pillow!
    :o) Sharon

  3. >Melissa asked what I was going to ask. I told my husband I was going to spray paint the entire couch and showed him this post. He thought it would be "hard and crusty". I guess he is right. Bummer.

  4. >Love, love, LOVE! I had no idea you could spray paint fabric…have you noticed any chipping or flaking (need to ask). Oh and I adore your trigger, I wonder where in Canada I can find one of those sweet things. Thanks for the share!

  5. >Your pillows are precious!!! I can't wait to try my hand at making pillows. So clever. The possibilities are endless. You could have pillows for every holiday and every season. I love how the stripe turned out too. Looks great! Love & blessings from NC!

  6. >I never knew (or even thought) that it was possible to spray paint so many different things until I started reading all the blogs. This is a new one I can add to my list. I'm in the process of redoing my family room and living room, so I might just give this a try!!!! I'll go check out This Thrifty House too!!! Thanks for sharing!

  7. >Thanks! It sounds like it would be great for outdoor furniture, but somehow I think my hubby wouldn't like it on the couch if it is a bit stiff. However, I love the idea, and I would love to try it sometime! By the way, for the person from Canada, I asked a friend who lives in Newfoundland, they said you can get them at most any hardware store.

  8. >Thanks for all the fun feedback on this project! I just wanted to clarify for everybody about the "slight stiffness" of the spray painted fabric. It really just makes your soft cotton fabric feel more like upholstery weight fabric. So it just feels a little heavier and a little stiffer. In my opinion it would still be great for decorative pillows on a couch or bed. You probably just wouldn't want to sleep on them or anything.
    Also–to answer another question–I have given the spray painted fabric a rigorous buffing and scratching to see if I could make it flake or chip–and the paint stays put! So you don't have to worry about it making a mess all over your couch!
    I promise–it really works well! So go give it a try!!

  9. >This is such a great idea! And like everyone else, I had NO IDEA that you could do this! Glad to hear that is washes and wears well!

  10. >OMGosh, that is too stinkin' cute!! Love it=)) Thanks for sharing, I would of NEVER thought to do such a thing!!!

  11. >I was going to ask whether you could wash it or not and it seems you have. did you treat it with anything, is there even a sealer type product??

    i love your stripes pillow too. i love how it ripples! serendipity!

  12. Can I take a pillow case (not one that i sleep on but one specialy for this project to be on the couch) and spray pant it?

  13. I have an outdoor ottoman I was going to toss, because the fabric had faded and become an ugly grey brown color. I will most certainly be doing this tomorrow in a bright yellow. Yay!!! Thanks!!