7 Characteristics of Stylish Simple Bedrooms

Take the hassle out of maintaining the decor in your home. Create a stylish but simple bedroom by applying these principles to your next project. 7 Characteristics of Stylish Simple Bedrooms ~ Tipsaholic.com #simple #bedroom

simple bedrooms

Simple bedrooms can be the secret treasures of a home. While they may not see much traffic from the general public, they are perfect places for personalization and creating spaces that show the true colors of their inhabitants. A lot of flair can be added without complicated plans or added clutter, which is great news if you’re too busy for extra cleaning! Design and maintenance of a great room is easy when you focus on these seven characteristics of simple bedrooms.


Take the hassle out of maintaining the decor in your home. Create a stylish but simple bedroom by applying these principles to your next project. 7 Characteristics of Stylish Simple Bedrooms ~ Tipsaholic.com #simple #bedroom

Image via Better Homes and Gardens

1. Colors that say something

The colors of a bedroom are critical when it comes to the overall feel of the room. Colors can be calming, exciting, and everything in between. There are hues, values, and intensities for every color. They express feelings, temperatures, and personality. They can be focal points or accents. Start with at least one neutral color and add onto it, but remember that the goal in this case is overall simplicity.



Take the hassle out of maintaining the decor in your home. Create a stylish but simple bedroom by applying these principles to your next project. 7 Characteristics of Stylish Simple Bedrooms ~ Tipsaholic.com #simple #bedroom

Image via Owen’s Olivia

2. Texture and patterns

Design is nothing without these two elements! And the textures and patterns you bring into a bedroom say a lot. A bulky knit throw invites snuggling on the bed. Polka dots add a touch of playfulness. A faux-fur rug begs to be walked on in bare feet. Glitter pillows equal glamour. Mix and match these elements to find the right feel for your room.



Take the hassle out of maintaining the decor in your home. Create a stylish but simple bedroom by applying these principles to your next project. 7 Characteristics of Stylish Simple Bedrooms ~ Tipsaholic.com #simple #bedroom

Image via West Elm

3. Statement lighting

The days of ceiling fans and generic fixtures have passed and lighting is now one of the main ways to add personality to a room. Choose lighting that really adds to your style by considering shapes and textures, but also keep in mind the height of the ceiling. The main purposes of the room, such as sleeping and studying, can dictate what kinds of lighting you may need. Lamps and even “twinkle lights” can make great additions to certain areas of the bedroom.



Take the hassle out of maintaining the decor in your home. Create a stylish but simple bedroom by applying these principles to your next project. 7 Characteristics of Stylish Simple Bedrooms ~ Tipsaholic.com #simple #bedroom

Image via West Elm

4. A great bed

The bed can be the place where many of your design elements are pulled together. A decorative bed or headboard can be one of the focal points of a room and bedding can help to draw the eye. The patterns, colors, and textures of your bedding will say a lot about the style you want to convey. It’s also a place that can get cluttered quickly, so keep pillows to a minimum and use patterned bedspreads and textured throws to add to the room instead.



Take the hassle out of maintaining the decor in your home. Create a stylish but simple bedroom by applying these principles to your next project. 7 Characteristics of Stylish Simple Bedrooms ~ Tipsaholic.com #simple #bedroom

Image via Just a Girl

5. The perfect rug

Even a carpeted room can benefit from a great rug at times. Pattern and color can be added in the form of a rug and it certainly contributes to the coziness of a room. Consider the shape, size, and placement of the rug to really make a statement in a simple space.



Take the hassle out of maintaining the decor in your home. Create a stylish but simple bedroom by applying these principles to your next project. 7 Characteristics of Stylish Simple Bedrooms ~ Tipsaholic.com #simple #bedroom

Image via Better Homes and Gardens

6. A clean and organized closet

The only way to keep things simple once you’ve got the room together is to keep it clean and organized, and the closet is going to be the number one area for that. A quick purge of papers, books, toys, shoes, and clothing is a great place to start. Once you’ve got possessions under control, you can begin to assign them homes within the closet, whether on shelves, hanging, or placed in labeled bins or drawers.



Take the hassle out of maintaining the decor in your home. Create a stylish but simple bedroom by applying these principles to your next project. 7 Characteristics of Stylish Simple Bedrooms ~ Tipsaholic.com #simple #bedroom

Image via Organize and Decorate Everything

7. Personalization

When the main characteristics of a room have been established, the real fun begins. Personalization is huge when it comes to making a simple bedroom a comfortable place for its occupant(s). Take interests and hobbies into account when deciding what to add to the room. A few things can be added in the form of art or posters, collectibles, sports gear, or memorabilia, but remember to keep it simple. If an item doesn’t quite jive with the design of the room, try spray-painting it or modifying it in some way. Before you know it, your fantastic, low-maintenance, simple bedroom will have come together. Enjoy!


Featured image via Better Homes and Gardens.


Kayla Lilly is a photographer, writer, wife, and mama making a house a home in eastern Idaho. She met her mister while working at an amusement park and married him a year later after deciding there was no way to live without him. The amusement has continued as they’ve added three kids and a passel of pets to their lives while finishing college and starting a photography business. Drawing inspiration from the whirlwinds of marriage, parenthood, and the media, Kayla blogs at Utterly Inexperienced, and spends the rest of her time chasing chickens, organizing junk drawers, diapering toddlers, and photographing everyone willing to step in front of her lens.


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