Rock-a-bye, Vintage Nursery; Guest

Lisa at The Pennington Point has this great vintage nursery that I just had to show you.

I have decided to slowly show you around my house. You’ve seen my kitchen. Next I’ve got to show you my vintage nursery.

It has been two and a half years since Levi was born. I did the nursery for him, but I didn’t know if I was having a boy or girl so it’s very neutral. He plays in there most of the time. There’s so much I want to show you in this room that I will make it into two posts. I don’t want to overwhelm you.

It’s a narrow room behind my bedroom. When we were adding these rooms onto the old house, someone gave us these 3′x6′ windows. I just knew they would be perfect for the nursery. It makes such a bright, cheery room.

Here’s the view when you walk in the door….

The glider rocker is your typical glider. I made a slipcover with chenille for the body and linen for the skirt. I just love sitting here while I nurse my babies. It’s so peaceful. I’ll keep a book on the little shelf and read quietly and enjoy my baby. The blanket over the back of the chair was a gift that Grace crocheted for me when I was pregnant.

The walls are the color of coffee with lots of cream. It is warm and welcoming and relaxing.

Patience made the quilt that hangs over the crib. She used leftover fabric from the bumper pad (which I removed when Levi started pulling up). The little picture is an original painting of a girl in a swing that is by one of my favorite artists.

The wall with the windows….

I found the floral fabric for the window valances and knew it was just what I wanted. I lined them with a plaid. Then I used scrim to make a layer under the valance and I pulled out the thread in the bottom 2 inches. I folded the valances back in the center and used some buttons from my James’ mother’s button box to hold the flap back. I did a scallop on the top of the valances. I love that touch of the unexpected.

The basket of toys is Levi’s stash. He pulls them all out and cleans them all up several times a day. The wooden box next to the toys is full of books that Levi likes to read. My brother, who passed away 5 years ago made us that box. It’s a treasure. But you’ll see…..the nursery is full of treasures.

Like the “turtle table”….

This sweet table is from my childhood. I remember sitting at it and drawing pictures with my brother and sister. It’s funny, I don’t remember what we used for chairs. These chairs are from IKEA.

Over the little book holder that hangs on the wall is a picture of me that my grandmother painted. It always hung by her front door. Every time I see it memories of her house rush into my mind.

I love this next little shelf. The baskets, liners and chalkboard labels are from Pottery Barn. The shelf itself is IKEA.

I found these metal boxes and knew they were perfect for holding the diapers and wipes. The cross stitch behind them is one I made for Levi while I was pregnant with him. I’ve made one for each of the children.

The last thing I want to show you is what I made to hang over the changing table. I had all of these little bits of history and I wanted to use them in this room. So I found a discount frame and I made pockets with fabrics I had leftover from this or other projects.

Then I tucked all kinds of fun things in the pockets. I copied old family photos. There are also books from my childhood, my baby shoes, a baby hat James’ grandmother gave me, my birth announcement, some socks Grace made for Adam when he was a baby…oh it’s all so special to me!

In the bottom row of pockets I keep things for Levi to play with while I’m changing his diaper. He loves that.

Coming in this room is like a walk down memory lane and a promise for the future all at once. I know it isn’t your typical nursery. I wanted my nursery to be a tribute to all of those that poured themselves into this baby’s life. I wanted to use all of those tiny things that had been in a box for so long.

Next time I’ll show you the other long wall. It’s loaded with treasures!

Such fun details!  I love it!
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Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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  1. >Since some days I look your posts. Great. The pocket picture is lovely – what a wonderful idea! Now I've fixed your blog on my site. It's ok, or? 😉

    Greetings from Uruguay


  2. >I just love all the history! I hate it when we store all our precious things and memories away. Now not only will they have special memories for you, but Levi will have special memories of them, too! How cool!

  3. >I'm working on my own nursery right now and got some fun ideas from this post. I love the details…the cute blue table, the bookshelves hung on the wall! Nice post!

  4. >Would LOVE more details on the pattern used or created for the glider slipcover. LOVE that idea!