Redoing a Piano Bench; Wood to Black- from Drab to Fab!!

Redoing a Piano Bench; Wood to Black- 
from Drab to Fab!!

I am so excited to show you this project…I can honestly say this was one of my FAVORITES EVER!! 🙂

I bought this bench last week at my local thrift store for $3.90. This was a rare find…the thrift store around here usually NEVER has interesting furniture…usually it’s plastic-y, beyond repair, and over-priced. So I was really excited when I found this bench in great structural condition – just completely ugly!

Now, I have been drooling over all of these re-upholstered projects…and I have been so scared to try my own! I decided that since this bench was so cheap, and it was so simple to re-upholster (not like a crazy chair or anything)…I could try it! First step: primer!

Next step: spray paint the insideNext: painted the outside, legs, and undersideNow comes the fun part. Part of the reason I stayed away from re-upholstering…I had no staple gun! I assumed it was expensive…and we all know I couldn’t afford that. However, I got one at Wal*Mart for $8.88! What?! I had no idea! So exciting! But before I could use my new stapler…I had to remove allllll of those lovely staples already in there.Ugh. I have many cuts on my thumbs now… 🙁

Enter…the new stapler!I cut my beautiful black and white fabric to size, pulled the corners tight, and stapled them into place first. I then went around the borders and put the remaining fabric.I had to also cut around the hinges. Then I used a cute small polka-dotted fabric to cover that ugly “wood”I just love black and white…and I wanted to add a little more interest to the inside…so I measured and the mod-podged some b&w scrapbook paper on the inside…Yes! Now I just had to re-attach the hinges…and I took it outside for a modeling shoot!! 🙂
Just look at how sophisticated she is now! I do think this is a true “Cinderella Story”!! And the re-upholstering was so much easier on this project than I thought it would be!!

Here’s some more glamour shots…

Cost Breakdown:

Bench: $3.90
Paint: Leftover from my Kitchen Table project
Scrapbook paper: Around the house
Polkadot fabric: From my closet
B&W print fabric: Normally $9.99 a yard, got it for 50% off, plus 15% off (teacher discount), and I only bought 3/4 yard: $3.18
Staple gun: $8.88
Total Cost: $15.96
Plus- I now have a staple gun! Woohoo! 🙂
**UPDATE: I posted this on Craigslist on Sunday evening…and someone came to my house and bought it on Monday evening! YES! It will now be living in a chic black & white salon. So perfect!**
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Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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  1. >GREAT makeover!!! Obviously you did a good job if is sold so quickly!! I have to redo the piano bench for my piano, and didn't think about doing something on the inside. Thanks for the idea!!

  2. >THANK YOU for featuring my bench transformation!! I am in love with your blog and this is so awesome to be featured on here 🙂

  3. >Starting tomorrow I'm stalking my local thrift stores for a little bench – this is such a fabulous transformation! How cute would that be for a vanity? Love it – thanks for sharing.

  4. >Wow, it looks so great! I also have some thrift stores that never have anything, and are over priced! Even my good thrift stores never have that great a price. I take chances on things I get cheep also, it is a great way to practice for the more expensive things.


  5. >Way to go! It turned out great. By the way I find that pliers with the sharp edge (snippers) I guess work well to really grab the staples. Good workout on the muscles getting staples out huh? lol. Nice work and you sold it to! Awesomeness.

  6. >I love this! You did a fabulous job and it looks totally professional. Never doubt your reupholstering capabilities! Awesome!


  7. Great job! What type of paint did you use? Do you mind me asking how much you sold it for? I have a bench waiting in the garage for me. Thanks.

  8. This is beautiful! Did you cover over the fabric and cushion or did you take it off? thanks! Laura