What would you do with… Kelly’s Cluttered Playroom?

Hello there! Dawn here, from DesigningDawn.com, and I’m trying out something fun and new this month with my contributor post, so let me know what you think in the comment section!

If you follow Remodelaholic on Facebook (and you should!), you’ve probably seen several of the reader questions that are submitted every month. It is so amazing that we all have this community of readers to chime in and give great advice on home decorating or renovation, isn’t it? I love the helpful community vibe of these posts, and thought that this month it would be fun to pick a reader submitted question and mock up what I would do if I were in your shoes!

First though, my disclaimer: While I can recommend products that I think look nice, I have never seen this room in real life and don’t have accurate measurements. I can’t guarantee that any of the products I put in my ‘virtual’ design will actually fit correctly in the space (or that they’ll fit your design style for that matter), and this is not intended to be a professional design consultation. So think of this as a just-for-fun rendering that hopefully gets your wheels turning and provides some inspiration!

On to the fun stuff!

“I am just wanting ideas for this playroom, looking for some tips or ideas. Our kids play room is just cluttered and it’s driving me nuts!”

What would you do... Kelly's Playroom Before

Well, Kelly, here’s what I would do with this space:

Some basic but useful storage concepts can turn a cluttered playroom into a kid-friendly but tidy space! See what ideas Dawn gave this reader to make over her play room.

First, I think storage seems to be the biggest issue here. Some nice large bookshelves with closed storage will help keep all those toys corralled without looking cluttered. The kids can reach the toys themselves, and it doesn’t always have to be Pintrest-perfect organized, because you can just shut the doors until the next play date. (Jennifer used this strategy in the playroom she shared here.) Another trick I like to use to reign in toy overload in my own home is large storage baskets. They can hold an incredible amount of toys and make pickup a snap.

I think a play room is an awesome space to go bold with color and pattern. So I incorporated a bright geometric rug and some colorful dipped curtains to soften things up, as well as large graphic wall art to bring in even more color and pattern. I think a fun chalkboard paint wall would also be a great addition to help break up the neutral walls, and if you have the space for it, adding in a small kids craft table would give the kiddos a dedicated place to color, paint, and make those play-dough masterpieces.

So what do you think? What would you do with Kelly’s playroom?

Some basic but useful storage concepts can turn a cluttered playroom into a kid-friendly but tidy space! See what ideas Dawn gave this reader to make over her play room.

As I mentioned above, this rendering is not to scale. However, here is a helpful list of sources for items in this room if you are interested!

Large wall art
Toy storage baskets
Kid sized table (affiliate)
Storage cabinets

As always, thank you to Cassity and the Remodelaholic team for having me back each month. If you like this post, and want to see more reader room mockups, let me know! (And ask your questions by sending Remodelaholic a message over on Facebook.) Also I’d love for you to visit me on my blog, DesigningDawn.com, or follow me on Facebook, Pinterest, or Instagram. Have a great day, friends!


See more from Dawn:

Exterior home makeover

Creating an open floor plan

Updating a small laundry room



More playroom ideas:

(click each photo to go to the post to see more)

Playroom Makeover with Built-In Cabinets for Storage by Delightfully Noted featured on Remodelaholic Rustic lodge-themed playroom
Rainbow Playroom Ideas

Website | + posts

Dawn is one half of the team behind the creative blog, AD Aesthetic. By day she works as the VP of Creative for a design and marketing company (getting paid to make things look good!), while by night she renovates her Midwest home, refinishes thrift-store furniture for fun, and works with her husband on raising two tiny humans. Dawn believes in the potential to design your surroundings and your life one day at a time, and lives by the motto, 'Make everything beautiful.' Get to know her better by visiting her blog, ADaesthetic.com, or following along on Facebook and Instagram.

We love hearing from fellow Remodelaholics, so let us know what you like about this and leave any questions below in the comments. If you've followed a tutorial or been inspired by something you've seen here, we'd love to see pictures! Submit pictures here or by messaging us over on Facebook.

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  1. In a small child’s room I would not do the tall storage units – they like to climb and pull up on things. Even if it is mounted to the wall it would still be a safety hazard. I would also put a kid size cushioned bench and a comfy stuffed chair.

  2. LOVE this idea! This is “real world” decorating. I look at the room and think that I could actually use your ideas. I live in a small, 60-year old house with small rooms. While I enjoy looking at huge houses with open concept, kitchens bigger than my whole house, etc., I don’t find a lot of practical ideas for my situation. Thank you.