Peach Heaven

I’m sad to say it, but fall is just around the corner. But don’t despair! Here’s an amazing recipe made with fresh, juicy fall peaches to look forward to! Enjoy this beautiful Peach Heaven dessert.

Peach Heaven | #recipe #cooking #dessert #peaches #fruit


Peach Heaven

Peach Heaven
Author: Foodieaholic
  • 1 large box vanilla wafers
  • 1 1/2 cups powdered sugar
  • 1 stick of butter (1/2 Cup)
  • 1 beaten egg (substitute milk)
  • 10 cups fresh sliced peaches
  • 1 pint whipping cream (whipped and sweetened to taste)
  1. Smash wafers into crumbs. (Reserve 1/4.) Sprinkle evenly over the bottom of a 9 x 13 pan.
  2. In a bowl, cream together powdered sugar, butter and egg. Once mixed, put dots of mixture over crumbs and very carefully spread out.
  3. Slice all your peaches and remove skin, if desired. Layer them over crumbs and cream.
  4. Chill in refrigerator for 2-3 hours and serve.

Peach Heaven | #recipe #cooking #dessert #peaches #fruit

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