Our Little Blessing, Lydia!

Last Sunday on April 10th Lydia was blessed.  She was absolutely adorable in the beautiful dress that Grandma O. made for her, while she was visiting.  And we blessed her not a minute too soon, cuz that little child of ours has been growing really quickly!.. and she was already almost too big for it!

Anyway, the tradition to make a dress started with Etta.   And with our second I knew that I wanted Lydia to have her own special “white dress”.   So, Mom and I looked through what patterns and inspiration pictures we had, and went shopping for what we needed.

Then mom worked on customizing the pattern, and made the most beautiful little dress you’ve ever seen and I embellished it with a few embroidered flowers.   (I wanted to do silk ribbon embroidery, but I couldn’t get the ribbon through the fabric… so maybe next time.  Also, I still want to do a row of flowers around the bottom of the skirt- I ran out of time… I may still add them at some point)

Okay so on to my favorite part.  PICTURES… I took about 200.  Just like normal.  She was making some of the best faces, and then there are the just plain beautiful ones!  Enjoy.  (I also have a few detail shots of the dresses, since they make me happy!)

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Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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