Mystical Bedroom Transformation

Submitted by Stardust Decor & Style

When we first moved into our new home, two years ago, with all those boxes that had to be opened and put everything into place, I didn’t exactly pay any attention to the decoration on my master bedroom.
So, I just put the furniture (which I really don’t like anymore but there is no option of buying new ones) and only painted the wall behind the bed a strange red-orange-pink (blah) colour and put some stickers on.
To get an idea see the picture below (this is the only pic I have at that time).
A few months ago I decided to do something because I really hated the colour. (and the furniture too, but as I said the hubby won’t agree on changing them). So i painted the wall behind the bed again, hang some new frames, bought some accessories for the sidetables and it turned out like this:
But I still wasn’t satisfied!  There was something missing (the furniture continued to bother me!).
 I wanted more drama, a more theatrical scene in my bedroom, something more mystical maybe.
With warmer and darker colours.
So, finally after two months of consideration I re-painted the whole room with two different colours and…. well see it for yourselves how it turned out:
 I think I can now say that I do like my bedroom. However, it is still a work in progress – I am thinking of adding some mirrors on top of the nightstands and put some glittering letters on top of the headboard featuring “LOVE”!
Well how do you like my bedroom transformation?
UPDATE: some more pics winter-ized edition as follows:

Wow, what a change!  Check out some other bedroom makeovers here:

Small Bedroom Retro Remodel

Renovated Guest Bedroom

Gorgeous Big Girl Bedroom

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  1. Looks good Olga, those colors are much nicer, I think I like the winter bed cover best too, but that could just be ’cause I’m chilly right now and want to climb back in bed!
