Motorcycle Madness! Boys Room Art, Posh Pieces

I am so happy to be visiting Remodelaholic again! Thanks Cassity for letting me crash here again.

For those of you who don’t know me, my name is Shannon, and you can see more of my projects over here at Posh Pieces.I have been in the slow process of updating both my kids rooms. My little guy still sleeps in a crib and we are planning on building a bed for my daughter soon, and then giving her bed to my son. This week we finally got rid of his changing table and wall shelf quilt holder thing. Having those two items out of his room makes it look a lot less nursery like already.Now that all this nursery stuff is out, I I need to make something for a big boy room. Ever since I saw this picture in the PB catalog I knew that I had to create something like it. One problem.. my son isn’t as crazy about fire trucks as he is motorcycles.


My son likes anything on wheels, but he definitely LOVES motorcycles.I went to Michaels and got a package of 3 canvas for $9.99. I had to get a few more paints, because I didn’t have all the colors that I needed in my paint collection.

The first step in painting the motorcycle was to consult the internet, and collect all the motorcycles from around the house to reference. I found a bunch of images online of motorcycles that I liked and I referenced those as well as the toy motorcycles as I sketched the design with a pencil.

I placed all three of the canvas next to each other like they were one large canvas. I sketched my design on all of them so when they are put together it looks like they connect. Really hard to see in the image below, but if you look carefully you should see the pencil marks.

After I got the basic sketch down, I got out my paints and started painting. Pretty easy really. The hardest part was the sketch, but once I had that down it wasn’t bad at all.I used acrylic paints because they are more forgiving. At one point, I put my arm in wet paint and then rested my arm on the white part of the canvas getting paint on it! Lucky for me because all I did was wipe it off with a damp paper towel and it all came right off. Whew!So there ya have it! My PB, kinda, lookalike!

Here it is hanging in my sons room. 

I feel like his room still looks like its missing something. I think its partially the adjustment from having a large changing table and the quilt rack over in the corner. After I get his big boy bed, and a few other details, I am sure it will come together nicely.


 Have a great weekend. Let me know what day it will go up so I can let my readers know where to find it. All the best Shannon

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Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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  1. >I love this idea of 1 painting on 3 canvases! How clever and you did a GREAT job sketching/painting it!