Modern Powder Room Redo

 Powder Room Redo
contributed by The DIY Diaries

What better way to end 2009 than on a high note with a room redo!  This is the post that’s been in the making for oh… going on about 2 months now.  Admittedly, I still have some accessorizing work to do, but for now, I at least wanted to post some photos.
The scary, 1990’s honey oak, bleh-I-can’t-stand-it befores:

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Ugly faucet, be gone!!
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Getting ready to demo.  We saved the mirror, no breakage! 
powder room remodel 004 And after demo, we had new hardwood floors laced in where there were none under the vanity.  This was done by a professional.  We removed the toilet during this process.  After the floors were complete, Mason and his dad installed the pedestal sink, a new faucet and re-installed the toilet just in time for a house full of guests for Thanksgiving!
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We also hung new beadboard around the bottom half of the walls, and painted it black.powder room redo 004

Then we cut all of the trim – both the chair rail around the top of the beadboard and also the baseboard with shoe, and installed it around the entirety of the bathroom and painted it with black semi-gloss paint + primer by Behr.  Love this product!
powder room remodel 017 The top half of the walls were painted Aristocrat White by Behr.
We installed a new round mirror from Hobby Lobby, a chrome light fixture from Lowe’s above the mirror, and bought new chrome bath hardware from Target.
Then we applied these trees to give some interest and personality on the top:
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A little birdie told Mason that he’s excited that the half bathroom is almost done.  powder room remodel 006
And here is the (almost) finished product!  Still need to get some accessories.  But I was just too damn excited not to post.  😉
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The trees go around the whole bath, and overlap at some points.  You can see the trees on the wall opposite the mirror in the second picture below.
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We went with a square towel ring, which I thought was unique.  That was Mason’s suggestion actually!  One of the things I like the most about having a black & white bathroom is being able to change out the towels to match the season or my mood!
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Say today for instance.  Turquoise blue sounds fun.
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Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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  1. How did you do the trees? It wasn’t referenced in your post. Did you paint them freehand or template? I saw the picture with the bird, did you paint the trees & birds on some sort of transfer or wall paper & apply it?
    It looks so cool! Great job!
    Thank you!!

    1. Hi Laura, this post is from one of our fabulous guests, so you’ll have to click over to the original author’s site (linked toward the top of the post) to ask there. Thanks!