Learning Her Letters; Alphabet Art


My oldest daughter Etta loves the alphabet… it all started with the foam bath letters, and singing the alphabet with bath time.  Then when she was about 15 months old we went to my sister’s house for Thanksgiving and my sister introduced her to the Letter Factory movie ( and bought her a copy!  I totally recommend this movie for helping your kids learn their letters).  She LOVED it!  She sings along to the alphabet song, and says the letters sounds- so cute to hear!

Anyway, then this picture started floating around blogland, and I totally thought a little too ambitiously for a mother with two kids under 2, “I have time to make that…”

Image Source (available on Etsy)

Well, let’s be honest, I don’t have the time to get THAT creative.  And, I didn’t know at the time I could just buy the set- but I probably wouldn’t have spent the cash.  So, I bought some wooden cut out letters… still not too cheap, but a lot faster than anything I could just make.  AND then, they sat in a box for 7 months…. yeah, cuz that is how I waste my money, buying stuff for projects that I never finish!

Finally my friend Lindsay volunteered to help me paint all the edges of the letters, it was the perfect kick to get the project going!

I picked out a bunch of scrapbook paper, to glue on the fronts.  I glued them on and then cut the edges with an exacto… BUT If I had this project to do over, I would trace the letters onto the paper, cut them out out with scissors and then glue in on the wooden cut-outs!  It would have been so much easier than what I did…

Once the letters were all cut and ready, I rolled a ton of masking tape to get the basic layout on the wall.

I fooled around with the layout on the floor fist, but when I got to the actual wall, it changed a bit, because I realized that I couldn’t have the letters too low, or they would get ripped off the wall – everyday!! (cuz this is a 2 year old we are talking about… they don’t care about Mommy’s design sense! Oh well!)

Here is the wall before… basically just a few things hung randomly to get them off of the floor.

To hang the letters I first put them up with rolled tape.  Then when I got the images organized.  I just hot glued push pins to the back of the letters.  Anybody else have any good ideas for getting them up on the wall?!…hanging the letters was a total pain!!!  Be sure to use a level.

And after a little while, here are all the letters up on the wall.


It isn’t prefect, but I am happy with it, and am glad to have it done.  Because, there are a ton of things to still be done, but at least the letters are up!  And we can move on from there!

What do you think?


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Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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  1. Hi! I just wanted to let you know that it looks like your Google Reader settings have changed. Now in my google reader I see a very short peak into the post (no photo) and then some google ads. For example, on this post all I can see is…

    “ALPHABET WALL DECOR My oldest daughter Etta loves the alphabet… it all started with the foam bath letters, and singing the alphabet with bath time. Then when she was about 15 months old we went to my sister’s house for Thanksgiving and my sister introduced her to the Letter Factory movie…”

    Would it be possible for you to change the settings back so that I can at least see more of a glimpse and a photo so that I know whether the post is one that I want to read? Ideally the entire post would show up but I know you don’t want to do that for some reason. Why is that?

    I figured maybe you didn’t know that the settings were changed so I wanted to bring that up. Thanks!

    1. Hey Julie, I actually thought I changed this yesterday, I will go check out my settings again(it may take a day to show up the changes…)! Sorry about the change, WordPress doesn’t offer as many options that I can figure out yet, but I will be working on this! Hang in there with me!


    1. I purchased mine at Hobby Lobby they were a 1.99 a piece… so like I said not exactly cheap when you add them all up. But is was a lot faster this way!

  2. I’ve been thinking of doing this too. I have to agree even here at my place buying wooden letters isn’t cheap as well. Well done!

  3. I love it!!! It’s so cute 🙂 My son watches Letter Factory too at daycare and he is obssssssessssssssed with it.

    Pamela @ pbjstories.blogspot.com

  4. Oh I LOVE an Alphabet wall! My son too LOVES the alphabet…. made one for our dining room and have since moved and now it’s in his room….at 2 you knows all his ABC’s….such a great learning tool and great home decor all rolled into one:-)

    Yours looks awesome!

  5. Adorable … can’t wait to show this to my DD#2 for our sweet “O” room.

    Side Note: your contact us button isn’t working … I wanted to write to you privately to ask if you know why your photos no longer show up in Google Reader? I read my 400+ blogs via Google Reader.

    1. Hey Sandy! I am trying to fix it, I updated feeds to full, but for dome reason it still isn’t showing up full! Bear with me for a while hopefully it will be fixed soon!

  6. I think it looks fantastic! ~I forgot we have that movie too! I should drag it out for my 3 year old… who already THINKS she knows the alphabet, the movie would gently remind her how to do it right!

  7. So cute! I thought your push pin idea was so smart. I’ve hung a couple of these same Hobby Lobby letters up before, and hot glued twisty ties to the back and put nails in the wall and had to adjust and readjust and readjust again (and they were still a little off!). I like your idea better 🙂

  8. My way can get kind of pricy for hanging things straight, but I like to use the 3M strips. No holes and it’s super easy. I even get skimpy sometimes and cut the strip in half long ways so I’m only using one strip per “art” but using it in two places to secure it well. Of course this only works for things that are about 5 lbs or less, but it’s an easy quick fix. Very cute wall!