Laundry Room Remodel

Laundry Room Remodel
contributed by Melissa at Greener Grass

Well, I’m finally getting around to showing some of the “After” pictures of the house. Did you give up on me already? Please don’t. I promise to come through. 
Pinkie promise. 

Today, let’s take the grand tour of the laundry room/mudroom. This is the first room you walk into through our backdoor. We needed this room to serve several purposes: to be a useful and efficient laundry room, to be a place where we could drop all of our stuff when we walk in the door, and to be cheery and welcoming to visitors. It’s turned out to be one of my favorite places in the house.  

Most of the photos are shot with my point and shoot camera because the space is so small and my big camera doesn’t go wide enough to get everything in one shot. Just thought I’d let you know. I don’t think you care, but I want us to all be as informed as possible. The more you know…

Remember the before shots::

And here’s the after::

Daddy built these awesome lockers for me to fit just right around my window. I showed him a picture of these lockers in Pottery Barn and he designed mine from that.

These are better than PB though, because they are bigger and they fit my space exactly! I love them. They hold so much. David and I each have a locker (on the left) for all of our stuff and beneath that is a basket for shoes. All the baskets are from Ikea.

The bench looks like a drawer, but it has a hinged lid like a toy box. I keep my laundry supplies in there. The other locker, on the right, holds dog leashes and toys, athletic equipment, and outdoor supplies like sunscreen and bug spray. Aren’t these amazing! I love them SO much!

Thank you, Daddy.

Here you can see our laundry area. This space is actually designed for a stackable washer and dryer to fit  into that small corner on the right side of the wall. Our washer and dryer are not stackable and since they are pretty new, we are not in the market to change them right now. We left the wall, though, because it might be nice to one day have stackables and get to use all the extra space on the other side.

It looks a little funny, but I’m at peace with that.

We’re a little funny.

David and I made this bulletin board using a plain office supply store bulletin board, that we got on sale, and finishing it out with moulding and painting it white. Now it’s full of happy pictures and notes. I love the string of paper lanterns hanging on top! (Thanks, Carter!)

Here’s the storage closet. It’s the first thing you see when you open our backdoor. This was a plain hollow core door and I wanted to make it a little more exciting, so I painted a faux “inset” with chalk board paint. Now, it’s a great place for a fun message or greeting for guests.

I can give you a little “How-To” later if anyone is interested.

The bench is perfect for putting on and taking off shoes. I sewed these pillows out of some leftover fabric to brighten this area up and make it really comfy. Sometimes I sit here and talk to the dogs through the window. Jack likes to jump up in this window to see what we’re doing inside. He’s a peeping Jack.




Not bad for a place to do the laundry, right? We have more projects to come in this room, but this is where we are right now and I love it.

Thanks for looking around. Thanks for caring. Thanks for all of your kind words about our house.

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Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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  1. >This is so wonderful!! It turned out great!!

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