100 Ways to Use Old Windows

Using Old Windows That are Flat Glass
(no wooden sash pane divider thingies)

Ideas for Old Windows via Remodelaholic

While the windows that have the separate panes (wooden sashes, dividers, whatever they are called) are the most sought after — because they scream “I’m an old window! Aren’t I neat?!” — the plainer windows with flat glass surface all the way across have some nice advantages. Meaning, you can do these things with them that you couldn’t do with a “fancier” salvaged window. 🙂

Use it like a canvas! Paint your favorite scene on it (from The Shady Porch)

The Shady Porch - paint on an old window like a canvas via Remodelaholic

And you can back your artwork with sheet music or old book pages, too (by Creative Genius Art — with lots of other painted windows, too).

Creative Genius Art - painted window with sheet music behind - via Remodelaholic

Create a clock with it (original source unknown, sorry!)

old window into clock

Paint some wood scraps (or even paper) to make colorful artwork (from Beyond The Picket Fence).

Beyond The Picket Fence - old window into wall art with wood scraps - via Remodelaholic

Take it up a notch and make a deep chicken wire photo display with a hinged window on the front (love this from The House of Smiths!)

The House of Smiths - old window into hinged chicken wire photo holder - via Remodelaholic

Put that glassy surface area to work by applying a large vinyl decal of a family name (at Stonegable)

Stonegable Blog - old window into family sign with vinyl - via Remodelaholic

or a wordier family definition, saying, quote, or scripture (from Diary of a Crafty Lady).

Diary of a Crafty Lady - vinyl decal on old window - via Remodelaholic

Paint on the back to create a dry erase menu board or family organizer (from The Rustic Pig).

The Rustic Pic - old window painted stripes to be menu board organizer - via Remodelaholic

Add some washi tape and stickers to create a dry erase family calendar (via Artsy Vava)

Artsy Vava - old window calendar with washi tape - via Remodelaholic

Install it in a wall. Yes, that’s right. Put it back in an interior wall! (by Simple Decorating Tips) [plus read more info about making a faux leaded glass window here]

Decorate with a Little Bit - old window in bathroom wall - via Remodelaholic

Of course, you can still use it for photos — just create a collage (from Mouse and Hinge). You could even do a square collage to give more of the look of the paned windows with photos.

Mouse and Hinge - old window photo collage - via Remodelaholic

Create a display shelf (via Robo Margo)

via Robo Margo - old window as display double shelf - via Remodelaholic

Add some handles and create a decorative tray (by Eclectically Vintage)

Eclectically Vintage - turn an old window into a tray - via Remodelaholic

On the next page: using windows that have pane dividers –>

page 1: Great ways to recycle an old window
page 4: How to use an old window that has no glass
page 5: Things you can build with old windows
page 6: Using old windows in your yard and garden

100 Ways to Use Old Windows on Remodelaholic.com #upcycle #recycle #AllThingsWindows

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  1. Some friends of mine worked for a glass shop and they were in the process of replacing 60+ year old 6 pane windows from a local girls camp. They called and asked if I would be interested and I jumped at the chance. For a plate of cookies as payment they ended up replacing the glass with mirrors. I painted the frames with some crackle paint and they looked awesome! What made them more special was that my cousin had worked at that camp for a number of years.
    I’m now trying to find a place for them in my new house. They don’t exactly go with the style but I can’t stand to part with them.
    Thanks for all the cute ideas!

  2. I have beenDESPERATELY searching for a window exactly like the window in this piece that has the wreath hanging from it- I’m working on a project for a client and I have every piece BUT the window! I found one similar but it was over $200 I can’t pay that and make any money on the project- HELP does anyone know where to find unusual shaped windows like that (yes I’ve got tons of antique and vintage doors shutters and windows but the windows are just normal in shape- I need one that makes a statement!
    Grannies Attic

    1. What state do you live in? I’m in Texas. If you are near a town that has old houses or near the country you can find a lot of older homes with old windows. Please are wanting to upgrade to double pane windows and will take out the old windows. I found 2 for $10. The people were moving and were needing to sell the old windows quickly. If you are on Facebook, join some classified groups. Then check everyday. You find some. Happy window exploring!

  3. Hey Cassity… I’m finally on a regular keyboard, (last 2 comments on this post were from my phone, and crazy full of typos!) Anywho… I just wanted to give you the head’s up, my old blog ‘decorate with a little bit’ is now called: ‘simple decorating tips’ I lost the domain and they wanted crazy money for me to buy it back… I hate it when I see a picture associated with that domain name go viral like this one and I don’t get any traffic to my blog now because it’s the wrong name. Could you possibly change the source name to my current blog? I won’t put the link for the post on this comment, because it’ll probably push it into your spam folder and you won’t see the comment! But if you go to my site and type in ‘interior windows’ in the search box, you’ll see it show up with some other posts featuring interior windows. Thanks so much! BTW… I’d love to get together and do some more feature posts with you… I did a couple for you before. 🙂 Thanks again! Liz

  4. I own a window replacement company and I regularly search for ideas for reusing old windows. This is one of the best collections I have seen! Thanks for the ideas.

  5. I found a few really good ideas on here but I don’t understand why it’s called a hundred things to do with old windows when you only showed like 20 and no way to find anymore on this site, guess I must have missed something

    1. Hi Lisa,
      We split up the ideas so that the page wouldn’t load so slowly with 100+ images. Look for the section toward the bottom of the post with links:
      On the next page: more ideas for using old windows that are flat/non-paned –>
      SEE ALSO
      page 3: Ideas for using old windows with wooden sashed panes
      page 4: How to use an old window that has no glass
      page 5: Things you can build with old windows
      page 6: Using old windows in your yard and garden