How to Host a *SIMPLE* Party

Today I had the pleasure of hanging out at my friend Brittanie’s house with a bunch of my good friends.  It was a fun little break from the day to day.




The kids (a LOT of kidlets mostly under 5) got to make a little grass man craft (link below), ate a picnic lunch and then had an Easter egg hunt.  It was fun to watch my girls look for eggs… I love this age since they are still young enough to be satisfied by just the magic of hanging out with friends, and maybe find a few eggs, not even really caring what was inside the eggs…



I love this picture of Lydia sharing…and then below the girls so fascinated with their prizes.


I am super impressed with how easy my friend puts these little get togethers…together. And I LOVE to host simple parties myself.  In fact, while I have a whole party pin board for inspiration… I just can’t help pinning great ideas, when I see these beautiful, big production parties online all the time BUT I have to admit, I like the kind of little parties, that are casual and fun for everyone- ESPECIALLY the host.  Without a huge mess or a million dollars spent, cuz I just don’t have the time, energy or money to spare to set it all up!

Grass Head Guys:



Which gets me to the point of this post.  I think that a lot of time we go so over the top that we just can’t seem to face hosting a small casual event.  So, for those of you that want to consider planning a simple party be it a late Easter egg hunt or a backyard BBQ, School’s out fling, 4th of July party- to name a few ideas, I thought I would give you some simple tips.


How to Plan and Host a Simple Get Together

First: Get the Word Out!

While I LOVE beautiful homemade and hand delivered invitations, I would much rather spend my time with my kids… so don’t be afraid to employ some modern day conveniences.  so be sure to get all your friends emails and put that list to use.  You can use E-vite or something similar, but personally I really don’t like the hassle of having to respond on another website, fill out personal information and then start getting their spam (can I get an amen… or is it just me?)!

I am usually fine with regular email- in my keep it simple plan.  In the email, spell out all the particulars- and suggest any assignments or things your guests will need for the party.  Here is an example for the party I went to today!

Hey girls!!

We love having an Easter playgroup every year and wanted to invite you all!Traditionally, we do a potluck lunch, an egg hunt, and make grass head guys. <——-These are SO darn cute! =)


When: Tuesday April 3 @ 11 am

Where: My home – (include your address – obviously, I removed hers!)


What to bring for the hunt:

* 12-18 candy (or whatever) filled plastic eggs. The amount you bring is the amount your child gets to find. =)

* A basket


I will have chicken salad sandwiches. Here are some ideas for things you can contribute to the lunch:

* Fruit salad/veggies

* Juice boxes/water bottles

* Cookies/treat

* Chips

* Paper plates/cups/napkins/utensils

* Anything else you want….


What to bring for the grass head guys:

* An empty yogurt container

* A pair of panty hose (you’ll be cutting off the foot).

* Any embellishments you want – I will have paper, googly eyes, and markers. I am planning to go pick up the soil and seed (unless any of you have any just laying around that you aren’t going to use! Let me know!)


Please let me know if you think you’ll come and also reply to everyone letting us know what you’ll be bringing for the lunch so that we can coordinate! Woo hoo! I’m excited!



Second: Confirm assignments with everyone a day or two  before

A day or two before the party, send a confirmation email back to everyone, with a master list of who responded to bring what… This way if a few of your friends that haven’t responded (uhem, people like me… I totally hadn’t responded yet)  I was able to see what gaps we had and brought a salad  to go with everything… even though it wasn’t on the list.

Also I have personally learned from years of partying… and no I don’t mean the crazy college kind, but the casual covered dish kind – that you always have more food than you need.

Third: Keep it Simple Silly!

When it comes to décor… be strong, remember the whole goal is to keep it simple.  A clean house(okay maybe that isn’t as simple…), a vase of fresh blooms and a bowl or two of M &M’s and such will be enough to feel cheery and keep people occupied while you chat and do what ever you have planned.


Glowing Neon Balloons

Love this simple idea for a night-time outdoor party… add a glow stick to the balloon!


Fourth: Be flexible!

You are not going to have a fun time at the party if you are all uptight about how perfect things are… and that is not the point.  The point is being with your friends, and getting away from the everyday.  So, make whatever food you promised, and bring together any supplies if you are crafting and then when the party starts the time to worry about anything has passed. Just enjoy yourself.


These instructions may sound overly simple.  But isn’t that the point?!

I would love to hear your simple party ideas.. please share.

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Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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