Home Sweet Home on a Budget: Living with Television

It’s Ruth again, visiting from A House in Holland.  This month I’m sharing tips for living rooms that I’ve collected from around the blogosphere.  Has your living room been featured, yet?  Cassity and I would love to see what you’ve been doing to turn your living room into a beautiful, functional space, and we’re giving you the opportunity to share it with other Remodelaholic readers, too.  Next Saturday (May 26th) you’ll be able to linkup your projects, and we can’t wait to see how you live in your living rooms!

 {Elements of Style}

Until then, let’s talk about televisions.  Raise your hand if you agree with my opinion that television is fun to watch, but the fun ends when it comes to decorating around a TV.  Those sleek, black, giant screens don’t exactly fit seamlessly into every decor style.  If you’ve worked hard to create that coastal cottage or elegant traditional or funky vintage decor vibe, then there’s a good chance you’ll develop a nervous twitch when your husband carries in a big screen TV and asks you where he should put it.  So, if television is something that you can’t live with and can’t live without, then I’m here to tell you there are lots of ways to enjoy the big screen without having it completely take over your living room.


The great thing about flat screen televisions is that it’s not too difficult to find a way to hide them behind, underneath, or even inside something.  Below, you can view some really creative DIY projects that homeowners came up with for concealing their big screens.  Look carefully or you might miss these TVs completely!

{The Pleated Poppy}

{John’s Journal}

{It’s Just Laine}

{Pretty Little Green Things}

{Today’s Creative Blog}

Hidden in Plain Sight

Cassity’s family room is a great example of how the appearance of a television can be minimized.  She had Justin mount their TV above the fireplace and frame it with some weathered wood, making it feel more like artwork and less like an electronic.


Some other tactics I found for hiding a TV in plain sight are hanging similar sized artwork around it, putting an eye-catching accessory nearby so that the screen isn’t the focus of the room, and incorporating it into the overall decor of the room (like the TV on the chevron wall, below).

{Nesting Place}

{Brooklynn Limestone}

{Elements of Style}

 Great ideas, right?  Well, I’m excited to see what some of your great ideas are for living rooms and the things within them.  Make sure you are ready to linkup your living room projects here next Saturday!

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  1. I love these ideas! But we just got a big screen (and older bulky one) given to us and I don’t think any of these will work on it! 😉 Maybe someday! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Super creative! I can’t even tell there is a TV behind the barn boards in that first picture. Is there? I love the wooden frame idea too!

  3. These are great! Thanks for linking up to “Strut Your Stuff Saturday!” We hope to see you again! -The Sisters