Grow Something Great

It is that time of year again! Garden Season! I am SO excited. Do you like to garden? We LOVE it! It is part of our family, part of what we love to do. This spring Miracle-Gro is launching a fun campaign, Gro Something Greater!! Check it out for some great inspiration and in the mean time, read more to find out why I love gardening so much!!

Why we grow a Garden #family #health


When we grow, we grow more than just plants. We grow our family unity! Our kid’s knowledge of where their foods come from. Our kid’s interest in trying new, healthy foods grows as well. There are just so many benefits to growing a garden! And I look forward to it every year.

Last year we spent hours and hours… okay, literally more than 5 months to completely revamp our backyard. Why? So we could grow something greater, our family unity. Our yard went from this:

To this (you can see the whole process here)

This year, we finally have our raised bed garden in place so we are able to just plow right into to this year…. pun intended!

Those of you that have read my blog for a long time, know that at the moment we are living with my parents… let’s pause to think for a second what that means – this isn’t even our real yard!!! It makes me a bit sad to think about moving and starting over, but at the same time, it makes me REALLY happy to have this space for the rest of my parent’s lives!   This is a space my little family loves and that my extended family love to gather in now too! It was worth the effort!

There is just nothing as fun as grabbing fresh produce from your garden and eating it for dinner that very night!

To me, watching your toddlers and small children in a garden is fascinating. They love it. It is so magical. The excitement and joy they feel from watching a seedling sprout is amazing. Teaching them how to care for your soil, not pick ALL the flowers and grow wonderful things to eat. There is just one simple word! MAGIC!

I love how gardening helps them to grow their knowledge. It increases their interest in good, wholesome food. Even when they were very young my girls would pick produce from our garden and eat it before they would allow us to wash it off for them. It is funny to watch a 2 year old sneak a cucumber and eat the whole thing, and think they are getting away with something. Or to watch them pull carrots from the garden and walk around eating it all just to beg for another one. Whose kids do this? Mine! And it is worth the work to start a garden!

I am so happy to partner with Miracle-Gro for their Gro Something Greater Campaign, go check out their awesome videos and get inspired to start your garden! Check out HGTV for other great gardening ideas! This really is topic close to my heart. I think that creating a family gardening space and spending hours of time with your family nurtures more than just some plants, most of all it is great for your relationships as a family!


So tell me why do you love gardening? Tag me @Remodelaholic and use the hashtag #grosomethinggreater

Prepare for your home and garden for spring with HGTV. Check out Miracle-Gro for all your gardening inspiration needs including planting, potting, harvesting and growing. Share the reasons why you garden with Miracle-Gro, and your story could be featured.

This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Scott’s Miracle Go. The opinions and text are all mine.

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Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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  1. We absolutely love our garden and fruit trees! Our boys will eat 5 pears each from the tree while playing outside. They eat lettuce, spinach and cucumbers straight from the garden. It really is rewarding to watch young children become aware of food sources and enjoy eating it all!