Furniture Painting Series Part 4: The Real Milk Paint Company

Hello again, Remodelaholics!  I am Cassie from Primitive and Proper back here to yet another furniture paint product review!  So far we have reviewed The Old Fashioned Milk Paint Company, CeCe Caldwell’s paint, and Annie Sloan’s chalk paint.  Today we are going to cover The Real Milk Paint Company.  I was lucky enough to win some to try out, and in addition received their flat finish burnishing wax which I was thrilled to try as well.  I won it through the fabulously furniture-creative blog, Stilskin Studios. (Seriously, if you are into furniture painting, you need to go check this blog out!)  Anyhow, I was thrilled to try this paint out because their brand offers a wider range of color choices, and their colors seem a little more up to date.  They offer turquoise, peacock blue, a French gray, and all sorts of gorgeous colors.  I opted to go with the Peacock Blue which seemed a little serious, yet a little fun, too.   I wanted to start with something small since I had not used this paint before.

The Real Milk Paint Co. Review pros and cons

Now, as a preface the directions say to use TSP to degloss.  I did not have any on hand, so I sanded my chair lightly, which worked just fine for this project.  (Also, I left some areas unsanded so that the paint would easily come off in those areas for a very worm look).  However, I did notice that on another piece I used this paint on (which is over on my own blog today) the paint color changed where the piece was sanded deeper.  It suits the weathered look fine, but it could be a problem if one wanted an even finish. Again, this was my first experience so I am not a pro with this paint and you are only getting my honest opinion!

Anyhow, let’s take a peek at the chair I was working with…. it’s the chair in this picture of goodies I picked up from a thrift shop. I loved its chic shape!

I gave the chair two coats of peacock paint, and then distressed it with 160 grit sandpaper, hitting all the edges, and the seat, giving it a very weathered distressed look.  I finished it off with the burnishing wax which is the only flat wax i have seen on the market.  This stuff is amazing! it protects, but keeps a very classic antique flat finish.  I loved working with it!

Here is the chair now….





I love the truly “old” look the paint has…. it looks like it has been found like this rather than newly painted.

Here is a little list of the pros and cons I see with The Real Milk Paint Company’s paint….


1. Comes in a wider variety of colors for milk paint.

2. This paint is non-toxic.

3. Has an authentically old look and distresses beautifully.

4. With their gradient chart, up to 100 colors can actually be mixed and created with the powder colors they have.

5. Dries quickly and is soon ready to be recoated.

6. Very minimal odor, and even what odor there is is at least non-toxic.


1. Does not adhere without sanding or de-glossing so prep work is necessary if you want good adhesion.

2. Sanding unevenly can cause the paint to have an uneven coloration.

3. Does not lend to a modern look and works best with pieces that are meant to appear old.

4. Slightly translucent and will show wood grain.  Depending on the look you want, this could also be a pro.

5. Needs to be waxed or poly’ed or it will have a super chalky feel to it.

6. Once mixed, this paint will only last a short while, two weeks at most.

Thank you so much for letting me share my thoughts today.  Head on over to my blog to see the other piece I made over with this paint….

See you next month for another paint product review!  And please feel free to leave a comment if there is a certain paint you would like to hear about.  Thank you!


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  1. My husband and I salvage and refinish furniture on the side and find milk paint never disappoints. We created 2 pieces, a cabinet and dresser, in this exact color and absolutely love how it looks with all the milk paint character added. We find that it’s pretty forgiving and easy to sand and comes out with a durable, what we call “candy coated shell.” It’s one of our favorite paints to use. Love the 2 pieces!